Page 40 - Multifarious Enamels Chiense Art.pdf
P. 40

fig. 3  Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei  fig. 4a  Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei
                    ॱ˕  ४⒤ᐅ೫ښḵ㡗ⳉި                                  ॱो B  ४⒤ᐅ೫ښḵ㡗ⳉި

         It is probable that the name Jade Spring Hill was inspired by a work of the famous   ˮ⊅䢲ἔᦾᨤ˙ᢔǐǚたˮⅲἔᦾ൶Ψᑞ
         Tang dynasty poet Li Bo ( ᖍⅭ AD 701-762) - Preface and Poem -Immortal’s Palm   ᫶٫⫂๷䢲Ǚ͗㸓ǚڭⅭ⸂䢲Ꭿをॏ㨣ἔ
         Tea Ǘ┆ᑬϚӢˮನ㈌ἔᦾ͗́ካ⪰˩໴ǘ, which includes the lines:
         ‘I have frequently heard about Jade Spring Hill,                ̷Փགྷໝ↠૓Ǐ㏬⡁㑰⒳̃ᐇ䢲ܕᕃǙ͗
         Of its mountain caves with numerous stalactites,                ́ካ⪰ǚǐॏ᢬䢲ἔᦾ൶ຄ⧀㟌⁥˙⡁؊
         Of its immortal bats like white crows
         Suspended upside-down above the clear moonlit stream.
         Tender tea leaves grow amongst the rocks                        ᢬⁄‍㨫ˏູたႎ₝Ⴭⅲ㐞ᓣ൶᥅䢲˸㤍
         As the Jade Stream flows without ceasing.’
         ັ⢄ἔᦾ൶   ൶ᨃ૨̔⒁                                                   ★⧀᝷ॱ̃଻䢲ᴰ˙ϕ́⢌Ⴒ㈯たˮೝ́
         ͗㸓ଫⅭ㲞   пᆀ᪹ᬲᕕ
         ⪖⁥᢬ˮ⊅   ἔᦾᨤ˙ᢔ
         The Jade Spring Hill referred to in Li Bo’s poem is near Jingzhou ⫂๷ in Hubei   ༃૨ಣ⊅៙៸㊆ᥨ㤚䢲⚷៉ᆓⱂ䢲㷠⛊Ւ
         province.  The white bats, mentioned in the poem, were believed to have
         drunk the waters of the Jade Spring and thereby to have enjoyed considerable
         longevity, while the tea harvested from the plants by the spring was believed
         to promote longevity and restore youth.  The tea was known as Immortal’s   ᪹೫㡦⁅ݸἻῪηⅲ˹⿀ᆓെ̃ˏ䢲ᒶ⊝
         Palm tea  ͗́ካ⪰ .  The name Jade Spring Hill therefore has become
         synonymous with long life.                                      ܍₢ⅲ⁅ࣰ˖૯ᐁ₢ྐ䢲⡊₝⁅ສ̷ԮͰ
         The remarkable panorama which encircles the current vase is exceptionally
         well painted and captures the beauty and serenity of the landscape.  The
         choice of colours and the skilful spacing of the elements of the design bring   ϡǐᵁ⡊䢲㐝㧛ॱᓣ̑ۿ⨓ঃ᳦⣎ᓣ䢲
         to mind the poetic reference to the crisp and refreshing autumn air, while the   െ᢬ۿㄗバᕴިࣰ㌪˖˗ⅲՉ㑆♃㨫ǐ༑
         small boat is depicted gliding slowly across the limpid water.  The elegant   㢪̣ᕧⅲᾫῙྐ⁅䢲Κ̅ӆኽ̞▒࡚ⅲ
         buildings – multi-storied and with expansive terraces – as well as the multi-
         arched stone bridge, complemented by elegantly disposed trees, all suggest
         an imperial pleasure garden.
         The ceramic decorator has made full use of the development of an expanded   ⫁♃ⅲ๼Ⳕ䢲۠ܕǙ㚙˖᪱⩇ǚǐ̖㡲ᕧ
         enamel palette, which was one of the major achievements of the Qing imperial
         ceramic and glass workshops and was used to great effect on porcelains
         decorated in a range of different styles.  Many designs were delicately applied   ゲ䢲ᕴሠިᅠᒶ⮏ܕⅲྼ⒋༳∓㡦೙ߢ⩹
         to the white ground provided by the porcelain glaze, as in the case of the   䢮ՌԬ      ⦰      ໝ䢯↰⽖̃η䢲͠
         landscape band around the current vase.  However, such panels could be set   ᭸㉚★↠ᥒ★ⅲ̖㡲ຠയଁပ๾⽖̃㐇

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