Page 50 - Multifarious Enamels Chiense Art.pdf
P. 50

                           Hall of
                         Acceptance                                                    ᮞ㚙̻
                                  ᮥᴅ̻                                                  The
                                                    Chamber                          Pavilion of
                                 Pavilion of        of Joyous                        Shimmering
                                 Streaming          Scenery                           Ripples

                                  fig. 4  'The Lotus in Bright Sunlight' in the Garden of Tranquil Brightness
                                                ॱो  㤔ᒝ७ˮⅲǙ⨰⯭ᓨᵨǚ

         Tranquil Brightness, depicted on the southern slope of  ᑞډՍໝ䢮    䢯ᕇܕ᳦Ǚἔᦾ㉜⑪ǚ䢲཯
         the hill, one on the west bank of the lake, and one on the   ⩮ᯨᆵ₝ⅲǗ᷄൶Ջᓣॱǘ˖യ᢬ᓣᕖで♢
         north bank. On the foreground is the Jade Spring Lake
         populated by three islets. The layout is made even clearer
         when compared to the draft plan produced by the Lei
         family of Imperial builders Lei Family of Imperial builders,  ᫶⾾㤚ᕖˏ⟰ཇ╍⟰䢲՞ྤՇ㈪׍᫶٫㤚䢲
         illustrated in Haidian shidi congshu- Qianlong Yuquanshan   ᕖ۷૥ˏ♴ཇ╍⟰䢲㐝ՉⴷЀᒶ㤔ᒝ७˹⿀
         Jingmingyuan shi, Beijing, 2014 (fig. 3).
         The scene painted on the current vase corresponds to  ൶ڙ㒴₝ូ ॱ˕ םᕇˏ↹̞ᵁ䢮⮏㙼ᑞǗᩄ
         the three islets in the lake, which were collectively named  ᩻܂ঃ۳ᕊc̖㡲ἔᦾ൶㤔ᒝ७たǘ䢲٫̺䢲
         by Qianlong as The Lotuses in Bright Sunlight (Furong
         Qingzhao) (fig. 4). The composition of these three islets
         – a central island flanked by two smaller ones within a
         lake – are designed to evoke the ‘Immortal Islands’ in
         Chinese mythology (fig. 5). The main island has a two-   ̖㡲ᢌ೛㤔ᒝ७ډՍᓣˮⅲǙ⨰⯭ᓨᵨǚ  ॱ
         story building in the centre, named the Chamber of Joyous  ो  ǐ㐝˕༃റාቍǙˏᥩ˕൶ǚⅲҷ⚗͗੺
         Scenery (Lejingge), behind two gateway houses, and with   ᙂབྷУཇ䢲ˮ૵૯ා˖ཇ㐤ˏ༃Չ൬ឭ᢫ᣩ䢲
         a small building to the right, named The Red Spring House
         (Hongquanguan). The western island has a meditation room
         named The Hall of Humble Acceptance (Xushoutang) and     ༃ᆺབྷᣩ䢲ྼ㧍᳦Ǚ☽ᦾ㩉ǚ䣁⾾ා᢫ᣩ᳦ˏ
         a pavilion called Pavilion of Streaming Vapour (Shuyanting).  ⏕ೣǙⴺ۫ਕǚ䢲ᑢᕖǙᮥᴅ̻ǚ䢲ᖥා˖ཇ

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