Page 51 - Multifarious Enamels Chiense Art.pdf
P. 51

                 Pavilion of Streaming
                 Vapour (The Hall of   ᮞ㚙̻                            សᓣ㟯
                 Humble Acceptance)                                                                     ☽ᦾ㩉
                               Pavilion of                           Chamber                             Red
                               Shimmering                            of Joyous                          Spring
                                Ripples                                                                 House

                                                      fig. 5  detail of the current vase
                                                          ॱ̩  ᕴ⁄˖̃♢ॱ

               The eastern island has a further pavilion called The Pavilion  ᕖǙᮞ㚙̻ǚǐ᣻㍨⁄˖̃ᓣ⧀཯⩮ᯨⅲ₝䢲
               of Shimmering Ripples (Yijinting). The Lotuses in Bright   Ѐ⣵ྫᒝⅭほ֨ා˖ᆵ❡̻⦶䢮ॱ̩  ǐǙ⨰
               Sunlight are not connected to the shore by bridges or roads,
               and are only reachable by boats. When Qianlong came here,
               he would often arrive by boat from Kunming Lake in the
               east, and as the boat turned into Jade Spring Lake, these  ⡊Ϝ䢲ᐅ⁄˖̃ᓣᅠてЀᒶྼ⧧ሌ㑇ἔᦾ᫶ᓁ
               beautiful islets would have been the first sights he saw. This  ⓧˏ⇶ᆵ⿉̃ᓣ䢲̑െᒶ͔たˮᆵをⅲǙೝ́
               is what he aptly described as ‘riding on a canoe, I go inside a
               painting’ and the scenery depicted on the vase.

               One could try imagining the kind of scenery Qianlong     ᆔоྐྵ̖㡲̃ਕཡཝᒏᆵ₝̺̃₫᥅׊ॱڰ
               would have seen along the riverbanks from the painting  ۿ͠ₙ⒕㐙⚯̃᥅㑆䢮ॱՍ  䢲Ⴒӏᒕᒝ᫶
               Waterways of the Capital by his cousin Prince Hongwu     ׍ἔᦾ൶㐝ᣣᦪ㑆ⅲᦵ㐙㧰Բǐעᐷዠۢ䢲
               (fig. 6). As mentioned earlier, at the time there were many
               paddy fields in this area, and this was the most immediate
               place where Qianlong, who placed enormous importance
               on farming, could observe the process at first hand.  ˏⅮˑډ૨㩾たܥじ㐝ᣣ⧓⻍ᆵ⿉̃ᓣ䢲⡊
               Qianlong composed over 170 poems in his lifetime praising  ˞ັັॼܥじ̃㟢ຯ֨㠛࿘㏏̢ⅲ࿘ႎ䢲ଫ
               the sceneries on this journey, many of them indicative of
                                                                        ډˑໝη Ǚἔຯ㟌៙዁ἔᦪ䢲㢾㨾ሠඩ᥅઎
               his concerns for farming.
               Since the Jade Spring is the water source for the Imperial  ᑢᬲ⁻૽㟌๶䢲␥␸ሒ␃ڋₓՈǚ䣁ډՋໝ

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