Page 85 - Bonham's Asian Art London November 12, 2015
P. 85

88                                              Provenance: the Jeannette Claude Jongen         The modeling is directly inspired by early
A RARE GILT-COPPER ALLOY FIGURE                 collection of Buddhist Art                      fifteenth century Chinese bronzes of the
OF MANJUSRI                                                                                     Yongle period that were known to Tibetan
Tibet, 15th century                             Published and Illustrated: A.Neven, Etudes      artists through the numerous donations from
The figure cast seated in dhyanasana on a       D’Art Lamaique et de L’Himalaya, Brussels,      the Imperial court to Tibetan monasteries.
double-lotus base, the arms in dharamcakra      1978, p.109, pl.6 (the catalogue is offered as  The treatment of the robes that fall in loose
mudra, holding two stalks of uptala lotus and   part of the lot).                               folds over the legs, the lotuses at the
wearing a graceful dhoti and a shawl on the                                                     shoulders, and the fine elongated lotus petals
shoulders, adorned with various jewellery, the  來源: Jeannette Claude Jongen夫人珍藏                 of the pedestal, are all inspired by these early
face with a benevolent expression and hair      佛教藝術品                                           Ming masterpieces. The use of turquoise to
arranged in a high chignon surrounded by                                                        embellish the heavier jewellery, on the other
a five-leaf tiara, the base sealed and incised  收錄及出版: A.Neven, Etudes D’Art                    hand, denotes the Tibetan taste. Compare
with a double vajra.                            Lamaique et de L’Himalaya, 布魯塞爾,                with a Tibetan fifteenth century Vajradhara
18.5cm (7 2/8in) high                           1978年, 頁120, 圖26                                now in the Palace Museum, Beijing, see
                                                (此拍品將附贈圖錄一冊)                                    Cultural Relics of Tibetan Buddhism Collected
£5,000 - 7,000                                                                                  in the Qing Palace, Beijing, 1992, p.86, pl.58.
HK$59,000 - 82,000                                                                              Also compare the crown type and treatment
CNY48,000 - 68,000                                                                              of the lotus base with a Vajradhara illustrated
                                                                                                in U. von Schroeder, Buddhist Sculptures
西藏十五世紀 赤銅鎏金文殊菩薩坐像                                                                               Tibet and China, Hong Kong, 1981, no.119F

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