Page 140 - Chinese and Asian Ceramics from an Indonesian Collection
P. 140
Chapter 6. Glazed and Unglazed Storage Vessels in the Musi River
Figure 260. Jars, heights 54 & 57 cm, Central Thailand, Singburi
Province, Mae Nam Noi kilns, early C15, from the
Musi River, Boom Baru & Pusri sites. Catalogue
Nos K2015 & K2614.
Figure 262. Jar, height 27.3 cm, Central Thailand, Suphanburi
kilns, C14–C16, from the Musi River. Catalogue
No. K1081.
Figure 261. Jar, large depression in body from firing, height
36.3 cm, Central Thailand, Singburi, Mae Nam Noi
kilns, C15–C17, from the Musi River. Catalogue
No. K2618.
with two lugs, one with a mustard coloured glaze (K2218)
and the other unglazed (K2243); and a delicate brown
glazed potiche with three lugs (K2629). However, recent
archaeological excavations reveal that many of those with
a dark brown or black iron glaze may have been made
at the Mae Nam Noi kiln-complex in Singburi province,
which produced small to medium sized jars as their Figure 263. Jar, height 19 cm, Central Thailand, Suphanburi
kilns, C14–C16, from the Musi River. Catalogue
principal products (Nyiri 2016). Examples of Singburi No. K1430.
jars from the Musi were K1654, K2015, K2614, K2618
(Figure 260 & Figure 261).
Unglazed wares were also commonly recovered from
the Musi, including: grey bodied Khmer-type jars (K1081,