Page 18 - 2020 Nov 30 Christie's Hong Kong Scholars Art Of China
P. 18

         A DARK GREEN JADE CEREMONIAL  二里頭文化或略早   玉牙璋
         BLADE, YAZHANG                                    來源
         ERLITOU CULTURE OR SLIGHTLY EARLIER               藍田山房舊藏,1991年購於台北
         The gently waisted blade tapers towards the curved end, opposite
         to the tang on the other end above a pierced hole and toothed   近似牙璋曾出土於河南新砦文化花地嘴祭祀坑,見鄧聰教授主編的《牙
         projections on either side. The stone is of a dark green colour   璋與國家起源》一書,圖四(圖一)。日本考古學者岡村秀典認為,在
         suffused with grey veins.                         二里頭遺址以前的牙璋,為祭祀用的祭玉,故而在二里頭文化時期,牙
         12 ¬ in. (32 cm.) long, box                       璋已成為宮廷禮儀器中最重要的瑞玉之一。
         HK$500,000-700,000           US$65,000-91,000

         Lantien Shanfang Collection, acquired in Taipei in 1991
         The present blade is similar to those discovered in the ritual pits at the
         Xinzhai Wenhuazui site, Henan province, see the images included by
         Deng Cong in Yazhang yu guojia qiyuan, Beijing, 2018, no 4. According
         to the research done by the Japanese archaeologist Okamura Hidenori
         (fig. 1), yazhang was a type of ritual object used during sacrificial rites
         before the Erlitou Culture. During the Erlitou Culture period, yazhang
         became one of the most important types of ceremonial jades.

          fig. 1  Line drawings of blades discovered in the ritual pits at the Xinzhai
                      Wenhuazui site, Henan province
                     圖一  河南花地嘴出土近似牙璋之線描圖

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