Page 6 - Satsuma MARKS The Joy Of Beauty 1000 Pottery and Porcelain Marks
P. 6

堂                Do (firma /

                                                            Kutani 九谷 - Dai Nippon 大日本 –
                                                  Haruyama/Seizan 晴山 Do 堂 Sei 製 (= Kutani - Great Japan –
                                                  (Made by Haruzan/Seizan Trading Firm )
               邸                Tei (house),

               亭                Ken (factory)

                                                           Bisho -ken
               舎                Sha (company)

               園                En (garden)

                                                                          Kikko -En

                                                     left / right + number
                     Ieft                         Left- right indication is found with sets of multiple items,
                                                  usually vases, and indicates what place it has in the relevant
                     right                        set. It is separate from the signature, usually at the bottom
                                                  一 1 Ichi
                                                  二  2 Ni
                                                   三 3 San
                                                  四 4 Shi (but also: Yon = 4th)
                                                  五 5 Go
                                                   六 6 Roku

                                                  七 7 Shichi
                                                  八 8 Hachi
                                                   九 9 Ku (kyu)
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11