Page 136 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 136

W Write sentences about yourself and your                   6 O 25.2 Circle the correct option. Listen and check.
                f/ family and friends, using the adjectives in                    ÿ We never plaÿ/play never tennis.
                         the box or your own ideas. Use two
                                                                                  1 You're hungry always / always hungry.
                         adjectives with each noun.
                                                                                  2 Do you come often / often come here?
                   beautiful big boring cotton huge                               3 She certainly works / works certainly hard.
                   interesting leather modern new nice                            4 Have you already / already you finished?
                   old plastic small wooden lovely                                5 It's the first time I've ever been / been ever on
                                                                                     a plane.
                                                                                  6 My brother borrows sometimes / sometimes
                   11i\ze old America-films.                                         borrows my bike without asking me.
                   My dad ofteÿ wears a black leather jacket.                     7 It probably won't / won't probably rain
                   we Live i-uv a small vÿodevvÿ house.                              tomorrow.
                                                                                  8 You should always / always should clean your
                                                                                     teeth in the morning.

                                                                             * 7 Write the sentences.
                                                                                  ÿ drove/fast/he

           Position of adverbs                                                        He drove fast. _
                                                                                  1 early/they/arrived

           We use adverbs of frequency and some other
                                                                                  2 well/play/l/didn't
           adverbs before the verb - but after the verb be.
           I always take the bus to school.
           Mary definitely likes this school.                                     3 can't/my bag/I/anywhere/find
           My teachers are never late.
                                                                                  4 you/did/yesterday/where/go?
                              always, ever, never, often,
             Frequency                                                                                                                   ?
                              sometimes, usually                                     _
                                                                                  5 your brother/see/there/didn't/I
             Certainty        certainly, definitely, probably

           When we use an auxiliary or modal verb, we put these                   6 confidently/the question/answered/she
           adverbs between the auxiliary or modal and the
           main verb.
                                                                                  7 is going/soon/the film/to start
           I ve just played cricket.
           We,ll probably finish tomorrow.
           Do you normally wait for Jenny?                                        8 you/your/left/outside/shoes
           You must ¡ever say that again.
            Note: we put certainly, definitely, probably before a                       W Ask your partner the questions below.
           negative auxiliary.                                                              Use the adverbs in the box.
           I definitely didn,t understand that.
                                                                                     definitely ever often sometimes yet
           We put adverbs of manner (dangerously, fast, well)
           after the verb or after the object.                                     Is it the end of the lesson?
           She can ski A/ell.                                                      Do you clean your room?
           Ann explained the problem deer ¡y.                                      Have you swum in the sea?
           Ann explained <v¡y the problem,                                         Are you sixteen?
                                                                                   Will you become rich?
           .We often use adverbs of time (yesterday,  soon) or
             place (here, there) at the end of a sentence.
             Sue visited her grandparents yesterday.                                is it the eÿ-d of the Lessor yet?
             She has finished her homework already.
             Do you play tennis oftei ?                                                                       No, it isn/t.
             You can buy some interesting things here.

          134 Position: adjectives and adverbs
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