Page 137 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 137

Circle the correct options to complete the text.            :. 1 2 Work in groups.  Are the sentences

                I had an exciting day yesterday / probably. I went                          correct ÿ or incorrect x? Correct the
                to a theme park with my friends. It was the first                           five incorrect sentences. You have five
                time we'd been ,ever / there.                                               minutes. Swap answers with another
                I wanted to go on lots of rides, so we arrived                              group and go to page 171 to check their
                ?just / early .  The best ride was called 'Stealth'. It                     answers. Give one point for a correct ÿ
                travelled very, very fast. It was the scariest thing                        or x, and one point for a correct change.
                I ' ve iever/ yesterday done! On the way back, we
                                                                                  1 He's got an old French dictionary. ÿ
                 almost / there missed the train and we got home
                                                                                  2 Everyone spoke quietly.
                &late/just .
                I m tired today, but it was definitely / yesterday a              3 Has she got dark hair? i
                brilliant day out!
                                                                                  4 What time does normally school end? Q

                                                                                  5 Is your good school? Q]
                                                                                  6 It was the first time she'd ever caught a fish. Q]

                                                                                  7 Do you always boil vegetables? Q

                                                                                  8 We'll tomorrow learn those new words. [ !
                                                                                  9 He was carrying a black big bag.

                                                                            * 13            Read the text in exercise 9 again and
                                                                            *              write about your interesting day out.
                                                                                           Where did you go? What did you do?
                                                                                           Was it good? Use adverbs and write about
                                                                                           80 words.

           -1 C Write the sentences using the adverbs in brackets.
                                                                                      had fantastic- day out yesterday.
                ÿ She's spoken to the doctor , (already)
                   she's already spoteento the doctor._
                1 Tony will pass the exam, (definitely)

                2 It is four o,clock, (already)

                3 What are they doing? (there)

                4 She said'thank you', (nicely)

                5 Are they coming? (definitely)

                6 We've been shopping. It was fun. (just)

                7 I lost my wallet, (last week)

           11 O 25.3 Listen to the dialogue. Are the sentences
                correct ÿ or incorrect x? nUSk

                ÿ Jack has finished his maths homework. ÿ
                1 Maths is never difficult for Jack. _
                2 Jack sometimes goes to basketball matches. _
                3 There is a basketball match tomorrow. _
                4 Jack agrees to go to the match. _
                5 Jack has eaten dinner. _
                6 Jack will call Ben later. _

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