Page 138 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 138

Too and enough

             We use too + adjective or adverb to say something is more ... than we want.


           The basket is too high.          The bosket isn't high            The basket is high enough       We can use too and
           (=The basket is higher           enough. (= It is less high      now. (= This is the right        enough with the
           than we want.)                   than we want.)                  height.)                         infinitive form.
                                                                                                             He was too tired to play
           We use not + adjective           We use an adjective or          Too and not... enough
           or adverb + enough to            adverb + enough to say          are often opposites.
                                                                                                             I wasn't old enough to see
           say that something is            that something is as we         This bag is too big. I can't
                                                                                                             that film.
           less ... than we want.           want it.                        carry it.
           We use enough after the                                           This bag isn't big enough. I
           adjective or adverb.                                             can t fit all my books in it.

          £14 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences
                with too and an adjective from the box.

                   difficult expensive high hot loud tired

                                                                                  3 Thisis

                ÿ That,s too high

                1 Thisis

                2 That"s_! S Thi$j5
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