Page 142 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 142

Prepositions of time

                            can use prepositions of time .

          At, in, on

                                                               Cflnv you drive vÿe to the ÿ
           We often use at, on or in to talk about
                                                               clxÿevua tonight? J
           when we do something.                                                                          what tivue does the
                                                               At eíqht o'clock, bu.t i have to           f ilm, start?
                                                               be there by seveÿ to get tickets.
             clock time           at six o clock
                                                               Could you 0o to the gtjm, afte
                                  at midday
                                                               drívívÿQ kue to the cinema?
             meal time            at lunch time                Please.
                                  at dinnertime

             festival             at New Year

             two exceptions       at the weekend
                                  at night


             day               on Tuesday
                               on your birthday

             date              on the 14th of May

             part of a         on Thursday morning
             named day
                                                            We use in with morning, afternoon and evening, but at with night.
                                                            Will you be here in the afternoon?
             In (+ period of time)
                                                            I don,t go out at night.
             month               in July
                                                            If we talk about a particular day we always use on.
             year                in 2012                    What do you do on Saturday mornings?
                                                            We stayed at home on Friday night
             part of a day       in the morning
                                                            We do not use a preposition before last, next or this.
             season              in the summer
                                                            {saw them last night.
                                                            They're coming next week.
                                                            We've got history this afternoon.

                                                            We can use in + a period of time to say when something will
                                                            happen in the future.
                                                            You'll feel better in a few days.
                                                            We're going to leave school in two years.

             1 Complete the expressions with at, on or in.

                ÿ at        half past three
                1          Sunday                                                6          the morning
                2          2001                                                  7          night
                3          the weekend                                           8          Friday afternoon
                4          September                                             9          the winter
                5          1 September                                         10           quarter to seven

          140 Prepositions of time
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