Page 146 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 146

Prepositions of place and movement

                           I can use prepositions of place and movement.

          In, at, on + place

               i cfli/v't get o the house.
                                                                                        We often use at with places where an event
               My teeys are íkv bag                                                     happens.
               avüi i left m.y bag at school                                            We met at the cinema.

                                                                                        But we can use in with the same word
                                         TÿOKv't worry. 1here's.                        when we mean inside the building itself.
                                          a spare tee y u.uvder                         It was dark in the cinema.
                                         the flowerpot Kvext
                                                                                        We use in with towns.
                                         to the boots.
                                                                                        We live in Oxford.

                                                                                        But we use at when we talk about a stop
                                                                                        on a journey.
                                                                                        The train stopped at Oxford.

                                                                                        We use on with public transport.
                                                                                        I m on the bus. We re on the train.
                                                                                        But we use in with cars.
                                                                                        I'm sitting in the car.

                                                                                        We use at with the bottom, the top, the end.
                    a box, a room, a town, a country, a photo, a picture, a car,        My phone was at the bottom of my bag.
                    bed, hospital                                                       I started writing at the top of the page.
                                                                                        Put a full stop at the end of the sentence.
                    the floor, a table, the roof, the wall, a shelf, a road/street,
                    a bus, a train, a plane, theTV, the internet

                    a bus stop, a station, a door, a cinema, a restaurant, home,
                    a concert, a football match, a party, school, work, the top,
                    the bottom, the end

           * 1 O 27.1 Circle the correct option. Listen and check.                Write answers to the questions using the words in
                                                                      K .
                ÿ They live at / in a nice town.                      O           the box and the correct preposition.
                1 You'll find the book in / on the shelf.                            apartment bed bus stop cinema fridge
                2 They waited at / on the station for two hours.                     handbag River Street wall work
                3 We've moved to a house at / on Preston Street.      o
                4 Is everyone in / on the car? OK. Let's go.                         Where   does Kim live? tn aÿartvÿeÿt
                5 I,ll see you at / in the football match tomorrow.                  Where does she keep her purse? _
                6 He dropped his wallet in / on the ground.                          Where does she catch the bus? _
                7 Is Gemma still in / on bed?                                        Where does she watch films? _
                8 Who's that in/on the photo?                                        Where   does she put her pictures? _
                9 Can we see a film at / in the cinema this week?                    Where is her apartment? _
               10 'I can't find the keys' They're at / in the bottom                 Where does she sleep? _
                   of my bag. '                                                      Where   does she put milk? _
                                                                                     Where   is she from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.?

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