Page 151 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 151

*3 Work in groups of three. Take turns to                                 Who's the nÿan with no hair?
                          ask about a person in the picture, using
                          the words in the box. Who can name the
                                                                                                           That's .Sidney.
                          person first?
                                                                                    yes, It Is!
                   beard ears feet hair legs nose
                   shoes sweater trousers
                                                                                         who's the Qi>rl tn the red shoes?

                                                                             * 6 O 28.1 Listen and complete the sentences. O
            4 JT Look at the picture again and write
               /        sentences about five people.
                                                                                  ÿ in ijour opinion  ,  is English more difficult than
                   Mandy Is the girl In the orange trousers and                      maths?
                   white shoes.                                                   1 Do you go to school_?
                                                                                  2 Where can you go_?

             5 Complete the sentences using by, for, in, on or                    3 Are you going-this year?
                with and words from the box.                                      4 Can you go to school_?
                                                                                  5 What are you going to watch_
                   a hurry holiday a green dress the internet                        tonight?
                   the bus a walk train red hair
                                                                                  6 Do you know anyone_?

                ÿ I left my homework on the bus                                7
                1 It's a nice day. Let's go_                in the           *              Work in pairs. Take turns to ask questions
                                                                                            from exercise 5. Answer with full sentences.
                2 I'm sorry, I have to go now. I'm.
                3 It will be quicker to go-                                                  In your opinion, Is English
                4 We don't have to go to school. We're                                       vÿore difficult than m.aths?

                5 Who is that man_                                                                       No. I thlnfe kvtaths Is m,ore
                6 You can look up the information                                                       difficult than English.

                7 Have you seen a girl_

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