Page 152 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 152

8 O 28.2 Complete the dialogue with prepositions.                    11 My bike is on sale. Would you like to try it?
                Then listen and check.

                Max: Have you seen this story       Ln       the   O             12 They did the journey by foot. It took six hours.
                         newspaper? About the boy who went
                         missing 1-a school trip.
                                                                             <10           Complete the story using the prompts.
                David:   No, I haven't. What happened?
                Max:     Well, his class went to York2_train.                               Use the past simple and the correct
                         They visited all the museums and then                              prepositions.
                         most children went shopping. But this boy
                         went3_a walk by the river.                                  My ku,u.fu. had an embarrassing experience last
                David:   Did he get lost?                                            weete. .she normally goes to worte by bus.
                Max:     No. He got on the wrong train 4_
                                                                                     last week/she go/train
                         mistake. All the pupils met at the train
                         station, but they wereS_a hurry and                         Last weete she went by train._
                         the teacher was checking the pupils very                    she leave/her green coat/the train
                         quickly. He saw a boy&_a green
                         jacket and thought it was the boy. So they                  she be upset/it be her/favourite coat
                         got on the train. In fact, it was a different
                         boy.                                                        Sunday evening/she go/a walk
                David:   So where was the boy?
                Max:     He was7_the wrong train. It was                             she see/a woman/a green coat/in front of her
                         going to London! The teacher realized
                         his mistake and tried to contact the boy                    she follow/the woman/foot
                          -phone, but his phone wasn't
                         working.                                                    the woman/be/a hurry
                David: What happened in the end?
                Max:     The train inspector phoned the boy<s
                                                                                     Finally the woman stopped to loote in her bag.
                         parents and they came and collected                         My mum said, 'Blouse me!'she looteed at the
                         him9_their car. It was a three-hour                                         "
                                                                                     woman's coat.  B>ut it wasn   ' t hers! she was very
                         journey.                                                    embarrassed.
                David: Wow! The teacher probably felt very bad                       '
                                                                                     Sorry, I thought you. were wearing my coat!'
                         about it.
                Max:     "° _my opinion, it was the boy s fault.
                         He got on the wrong train without waiting
                         for the others.

                Correct the prepositions in bold. Use by, for, in,    O
                on or with.

                   We decided to go in a walk, -for
                   Paul travelled around America on bus. _
                   By my opinion, you should study science.
                   The answers are in page 187. _                                 r Self-evaluation Rate your progress. 1
                   Tom went to school with a red jacket. _
                                                                                                 m ÿ m * * *
                   Did you see that programme in TV? -
                   Dave is the person in the big feet. _
                   They went for holiday to Turkey. _
                   There are many species of dolphin, by example,
                   the bottlenose. _
                   What does 'eccentric' mean?' 'Look on your
               10 Why did you send that text message?' 'I did it in
          150 Expressions with prepositions
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