Page 156 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 156

Present simple passive                                               5 O 29.1 Listen and match the descriptions 1-6
                                                                                  with a-f.
           We form the passive with the verb be + the past
           Football is played all around the world.
           Tigers are found in Asia.
           Am I needed at the concert tomorrow?
           How is 'cough'pronounced?
           I  ' m sorry. Youre not invited to the party.
           Bread isn't kept in the fridge.                                         a credit card                 d jam _
           For details about the formation of past participles
           see Unit 9. A list of irregular past participles is on page
                                                                                         V x.
           We use the present simple passive to talk about
           regular events and facts.
           Glass is made from sand.
           These computers are used everyday.
                                                                                   b chips _                     e swimming hat _
           We put adverbs of frequency between be and the
           past participle.
           He's sometimes seen on TV.
           Famous people are often photographed on holiday.

            3 Complete the sentences with the correct form
                of be.
                                                                                   c dictionary      i  f keyboard
                ÿ Oil Is found underground.                                                         _  _
                  The best ice cream_made in Italy.
                   I _driven to school on Mondays.
                   Omelettes           made with eggs.                       *6 ©29.2 Write sentences using the present simple ÿ
                   _we invited to the party on Sunday?                            passive. Listen and check.
                   How often_your room cleaned?                                   ÿ Her car/keep/in the garage
                6 English and maths_studied in all schools.
                                                                                      Her cflr is tegpfc in the garaat. _
                7 Smart phones             used to access the
                                                                                  1 Cricket/not watch/in America
                8 How much_            you paid?
                                                                                  2 Helmets/not wear/in tennis
                           pandas kept in zoos?
               10 You      _not paid very much.
                                                                                  3 you/pay/a lot of money?
                Correct the bold words. Add an extra word if you                  4 A lot of shellfish/eat/in China
                need to.
                ÿ Our products sold online, are sold O

                                                                                  5 We/never choose/for the football team
                1  Everything is testing at the factory.
                2 It is produced in Korea? _                                      6 How many cars/make/in Britain?
                3  The match is showed on a big screen.
                4  I amn't invited to many parties. _                             7 Millions of videos/download/every day
                5 Normally, letters deliver on time. _
                6 Where is Spanish spoke? _                                       8 German/not teach/at my school
                7 We isn't pleased with the result. _
                8  Service is include in the price. _                             9 you/ever leave/at home on your own?
                9 The bins emptied twice a week. _
               10 I m often woke up early. _                                     10 Criminals/always catch/in the end

          154 Active and passive
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