Page 154 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 154

Read the email below. Then write a similar
               *        email with directions from the train                  Speaking

                        station to your house.                                 7 Work in pairs. You are arranging to meet a friend.
                                                                                  Student A: ask the questions in the box. Student
                                                                                  B: answer using your information. Change roles.
                   Hi Julia
                                                                                   When are we going to meet?
                   Here are directions to my house. Leave the
                                                                                   What time?
                   station and walk across the road.There is a bus
                                                                                   Where are we going to meet?
                   stop opposite the library. Take the number 17
                                                                                   How do I get there?
                   bus and get off next to the park. Walk through
                   the park and past the shops. I live on Heston
                   Road at number 25.                                             Student B
                                                                                  When: Friday afternoon
                   See you soon.
                                                                                  Time: 2.00


            5 O R8.1 Listen and choose the correct answer A, B

                or C to complete each sentence.

                ÿ A   Friday        B the evening     C the cinema
                1  A TV             B the weekend C a big black car

                2 A a tunnel        B a bridge        c the sea

                3 A six weeks       B the summer      c  my birthday
                4 A the red hair?   B the bus?        c the black coat?

                5 A of the library B the station      c the afternoon

                6 A train           B the train       c example

            6 O R8.2 Listen to the conversation. Complete the
                                                                                  Student A
                sentences with the words in the box.
                                                                                  When: Saturday morning
                   above after before during           for                        Time: 10.00
                   outside under until
                ÿ Carla met Gemma outside the bookshop.
                1 Carla went to the bookshop_ it started
                2 They stayed in the department store_
                   the storm.
                3 They were in the department store_                                   I            1
                   an hour and a half.                                                1 WáUik 1ST
                4 The café is_the clothes department.                                               0
                5 They went to the park _          the rain stopped.
                6 They stayed at the park          _  six o clock.
                7 Carla had left her book.         _the cup.

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