Page 158 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 158

Past simple passive

                            can form and use the past simple passive.

          Past simple passive

           We form the past passive with was or were + the                    The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889.
           past participle.                                                   She was hurt in an accident yesterday.
           The team was chosen on Thursday.
                                                                              We can use by to say who or what did the action,
           Two windows were broken at school last week.
                                                                              if necessary.
           The food at the restaurant wasn't cooked very well.
                                                                              The tennis match was stopped by rain.
           The drinks weren't included in the price.
                                                                              I wasn,t taught by Mrs Spicer.
           Was that picture painted by Picasso?
           How many people were rescued from the boat?                        When we ask questions with by, it goes at the end of
                                                                              the sentence.
           We use the past simple passive to talk about actions
                                                                              Who were you taught by?
           that finished in the past.

             1 Circle the correct option.
          *                                                                       5 The exams_by Mrs Salmon, (mark)
                ÿ That programme was / were watched by                            6 The first football World Cup_by
                   millions of people.                                               Uruguay, (win)
                1 Some books was / were left in the classroom.                    7 We_to take our mobile phones.
                2 Why was / were you disliked at school?                             (not allow)
                3 When was / were your room last painted?                         8 Salt_                  to the pasta, (not add)
                4 Was / Were your phone made in China?                            9 All the toys_         _ into boxes at the
                5 The new station was / were opened by the                           factory, (pack)
                   prime minister.                                               10 Your job application                    on time.
                6 Who was/were your computer used by?                                (not send)
                7 The questions was / were written in French.
                                                                             * 3 You are asking a friend about a party that
                8 Where was/were your wallet found?
                                                                                  happened yesterday. Write passive questions.         O
                9 We was / were amazed by the team's performance.
               10 Who was / were woken up by the storm last night?                ÿ how many people/invite

                                                                                      How vKflnij people were invited?_
           * 2 Write affirmative and negative sentences.                          1 where/the cars/park
                ÿ The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison.
                                                                                  2 all the food/eat
                ÿ The job wasn,t finished on time , (not finish)
                1 My shoes-very quickly, (repair)                                 3 what sort of music/play
                2 The ice cream_in the freezer.
                   (not keep)                                                     4 anything/broken
                3 The train _                 for half an hour, (delay)
                4 I worked hard but I         _any money.
                   (not pay)

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