Page 161 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 161

Complete the text with a passive or active form
                of the verb in brackets.

                   Hever Castle is one of the most famous castles in
                   England. It was built in 1270, and then two
                   hundred years later it1_(buy) by Geoffrey
                   Boleyn. He2_(make) the castle bigger and
                   in the 1500s it was the home of Anne Boleyn, who
                   _(become) the wife of King Henry VIII but
                   _(kill) by him in 1536.
                   In the 1800s, the castle$_(not look) after
                   properly and by 1900 it was in a very bad state. In
                   1903, itf_(sell) to William Astor, one of
                   the richest men in America. The castle'_
                   (repair) and the Astor family 8_(live) in it

                   until 1983.
                   Now, Hever Castle9           _(own) by a big
                   company and '°_              (visit) by thousands of
                   tourists every year.

           Listening                                                          Speaking

                ©R9.1 Listen and match 1-6 to A-F.                             7 Work in pairs. Choose an object from the pictures.
                A I wasn't invited to the party. _                                Your partner asks questions to guess the object.
                B They don't sell it in supermarkets. _
                                                                                          what Is It used for?
                C It was made in China.
                D We were invited to the party. _
                                                                                                      it's used for sleeping.
                E They weren't made in China. _
                F They sell them in supermarkets. _
                                                                                          what us It made of?
                O R9.2 You will hear a description of how sun-
                                                                  ÿ i
                dried tomatoes are produced. Complete the                                                it's iwade of wood.
                sentences using passive forms.                    O
                                                                                          where us It found?
                The tomatoes are grow*, in Spain.
                When they are ripe, they1_, washed and
                2                                                                                  it's found in a bedroom.
                 _for quality.
                Then they3_in half and dried in the sun.
                                                                                          is It a bed?
                When the tomatoes are dried, they4_into
                                                                                                                   Yes, it Is!
                jars with olive oil.
                Then they&_          by lorry to countries across
                                           _in supermarkets and
                Sun-dried tomatoesf_
                 _in salads or with pasta.

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