Page 164 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 164

Read the sentences. Complete the second sentence               8 Complete the text. Write one word in each space.
                so that it means the same as the first. Use no more
                than two words.
                                                                                     Pasta is officially the most popular food
                                                                                     ' _the world. A global survey says that it is
                ÿ It's impossible to find my keys.
                                                                                     more popular2_meat, rice or pizza.
                   I ca*st my keys.

                1 These shoes belong to me.                                          Although pasta3_existed for a thousand
                  These shoes are_                                                   years, it only became popular a hundred years
                                                                                     4 _, when a lot5_Italians moved to
                2 My little brother isn't old enough to go to school.
                                                                                     the United States. Economists predict we
                   My little brother_young to go                                     & _spend £12 billion on pasta next year.
                   to school.
                3 It wasn't funny but Ronny laughed.                                 Why7_people like pasta? Firstly, it is
                  _it wasn't funny, Ronny laughed.                                   cheap: it®_made from wheat and water.
                                                                                     Secondly, it is convenient: you 9_keep it in
                4 My phone is cheaper than yours.
                                                                                     your cupboard for a long time. Thirdly, it is fun:
                   My phone isn't as_yours.
                                                                                     there '°_more than 600 different shapes.
                5 Tony said,'I like those shoes'
                                                                                     ' '
                  Tony said that_those shoes.                                          _country eats the most pasta? Italy, of
                                                                                     course.'2_much do they eat? An amazing
                6 Linda's going to help us. She promised.
                                                                                     26kg per person every year!
                   Linda promised_us.

            7 Read the safety rules about paintball.
                                                                                           Read the email from your pen friend.
                Complete the sentences with the correct names.
                                                                                           Then write an email about the food
                                                                                           that you eat.
                 Paintball Safety Rules

                 You must wear safety glasses at all times
                                                                                   Hi Molly
                 You mustn't wear shorts or T-shirts
                                                                                   You say that you like couscous. I've never eaten
                 You can wear a cap or hat
                                                                                   couscous, but I enjoy new food. If I visited you,
                 You don't have to wear gloves                                     I d like to try it.
                 You must be thirteen or over                                      I like all kinds of food, but my favourite food
                                                                                   is probably bread. So, for example, today I ate
                 You must be over 1.50m
                                                                                   some toast for breakfast and I m going to eat
                                                                                   sandwiches for lunch. At our school you don t
                 Alex - 12 years, 1.52m                                            have to eat at the school canteen, so I normally
                                                                                   bring my own food.
                 Fred - 13 years, 1.49m
                 Tom - 14 years, 1.54m                                             What other food do you like?

                ÿ Tom, is the tallest.

                1 _is too young to do paintball.
                2 _is shorter than Alex.
                3 _isn't as old as Fred.

                4 _and_are tall enough to
                   do paintball.
                5 _can do paintball.

                6 _and_can't do paintball.

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