Page 166 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 166

12 Choose the correct letter A, B or C to answer each                  ÿ (A loves           B  is loving       C love
                question.                                                         1 A had travelled B     is travelling   C  was

                ÿ Can I have a sandwich?                                                                                     travelling
                   A I'm sorry.There's too much bread.                            2 A during           B for              c until
                                                                                  3 A described        B was described    c was describe
                   B I'm sorry. We haven't got enough bread.
                                                                                  4 A who              B which            c what
                   C I'm sorry. I've got enough bread.
                                                                                  5 A flied            B flew             c flown
                1 Where's John at the moment? _
                                                                                  6 A anything         B everything       c something
                   A He plays tennis.
                                                                                  7 A After            B Before           c While
                   B He's listening to music in his room.
                                                                                  8 A has fallen       B fell             c had fallen
                   C He's being at the cinema.
                                                                                  9 A I've stayed      B 1 stayed         c I'd  stayed
                2 I don't know what to do. _
                                                                                 10 A at               B in               c of
                   A If I were you, I'd ask your parents.
                   B If I'm you, I'll phone your brother.                    14 What does Robert say to Charlie?
                   C If I were you, you'll study harder.                          Match A-G to 1-6.
                3 Is Jenny here? _                                                Charlie: Have you decided what you're going to
                   A Yes. She just has come.                                                  study next year?
                   B No. She arrives never on time.
                                                                                  Robert: ÿ c
                   C Yes. She's been here for ten minutes.
                                                                                  Charlie: How many subjects do you have to take?
                4 I enjoyed the film. _
                                                                                  Robert: ,_
                   A It was great, wasn't it?
                   B It was brilliant, was it?                                    Charlie: What subjects are you thinking of?
                   C It wasn't very good, was it?                                 Robert: 2_

                5 Who has Mary invited to the party? _                            Charlie: Which are your favourites?
                   A Yes. She invited me.
                                                                                  Robert: 3_
                   B Tanya has invited her.
                                                                                  Charlie: So for the third, it's either chemistry or
                   C She has invited Yasmin.
                                                                                              English. Which do you prefer?
           13 Read the text below and choose the correct letter                   Robert: 4_
                A, B or C for each space.                                         Charlie: It depends. What do you want to study
                                                                                              at university?
                   Dream job                                                      Robert: 5_

                   Ben Southall, from Hampshire in England, A                     Charlie: You won't have to study chemistry at
                   travel. Three years ago, while he1_around                                  university if you want to be a lawyer.
                   Africa, he saw an interesting job advert. 'Be an               Robert: &_
                   Island Caretaker2_six months. You have to
                                                                                  Charlie: If I were you, I'd do English. If you enjoy
                   look after a tropical island next to the Great
                                                                                              a subject, you ' ll do better at it.
                   Barrier Reef in Australia! it5_as'the best job
                   in the world'.
                                                                                  A Maths and history. I'll definitely do those.
                   35,000 people wanted the job, but Ben was the                  B I'm not sure. I'd like to become a lawyer.
                   one 4_got it. HeS_to Australia and moved                       C Not yet.
                   onto the island. He had a brilliant time. Every                D Maths, chemistry, history and English literature.
                   day he did f_different - diving, jet-skiing,                   E That's true. So what do you recommend?
                   taking photos and writing blogs.                               F Three.
                                                                                  G I like English more than chemistry, but it isn't as
                   _he came to Australia, Ben had spent many
                                                                                     useful, is it?
                   years travelling. By the time he finished the job,
                   he®_in love with Australia and decided to
                   stay. This is the first timei_in the same place
                   for a long time and I think it's the best place
                    _ the world.'

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