Page 170 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 170

Extra information

          Student A

          Unit 4                                                             Unit 8

          ; ; 10 Answer Student B's questions with the                       i:;4 Mime an action from the list below for
                          information below. Use it is, there,s,                            ten seconds. When you finish, student
                          there are.                                                        B guesses the action.The person who
                                                                                            guesses correctly gets a point.
                  London time             12 p.m., 5 February
                                                                                    climb a tree                   ski
                  Local time              7 a.m.
                                                                                    eat an icecream                take a photo
                  Weather                 snowing                                   put a book on a shelf          send a text

                  Distance from
                                          about 5,500 km
                                                                             Unit 12
                  Population              8 million

                                          Empire State Building,             * 7            Look at the tables about people's holiday
                  Interesting sights
                                          Statue of Liberty                                 plans. In turns, ask questions about table A
                                                                                            and answer questions about table B.

                  what tis It with you?                                              America India Spain Turkey
                                                                                     in the spring/summer/autumn/winter
                       (it's seven o'clock in the warning.                           fly drive take train take bus

                                                                                     lie on the beach play sport visit famous
                                                                                     places walk in the mountains
                [Answer = New York]

                                                                               Table A           Oscar                 Bella and Kate
          Unit 6

           ;;6                                                                 Time

                Gorillas come from Africa.They are vegetarian                  Transport
                and eat grass and plants, fruit, roots, shoots and
                tree bark.They can weigh up to 250 kg and can
                live for 40 years.
                                                                                    is osear going to go to India?
                Kangaroos come from Australia.They eat
                grass and plants. They weigh about 54 kg. Red
                kangaroos can live for about 20 years.                              Are Bella and K-ate goin¿) to ta tee the bus?

                Penguins come from the Antarctic continent.
                They eat fish. The largest penguin is the Emperor              Table B           Tanya                 Ryan and Henry
                penguin, which weighs about 35 kg. They live for
                                                                               Destination      France                Malaysia
                15-20 years.
                Tigers come from Asia. The most common tiger is                Time             summer                winter
                the Bengal Tiger from India. They are carnivores
                                                                               Transport        drive                 fly
                and eat meat.
                                                                                                walk in the
                They weigh about 170 kg and live for 8-10 years.               Activity                               lie on the beach

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