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Unit 19                                                            Revision 2

          Í6             Look at the table below and ask your                16 Look at the table below and answer your partner's
                         partner questions to complete the                        questions.
                                                                                     Name                    Emma

                            House       Car                                          Country                 Australia
                                                                                     Subjects / study?       history and politics
                                        4ÿ                                           Do / last summer?      work in café; visit China
                                                                                                             be a journalist; travel
                                                                                     Plans for future?
                                                                                                             around the world

                                                                             Revision 5

                                                                               8 Answer your partner's questions.
                 Tom          9
                                                                                  Emma got up at six o'clock. She was in a hurry
                                                                                  because she had an exam. She picked up her bag
                                                                                  and went to school. On the bus, her friend sat next
                                                                                  to her. That's not your bag, is it?' Emma looked at it.
                                                                                  It was her sister's bag.

                                                                                  ÿ What tiw,e did Emma get up? J
                                         :o m                                                     ÿ she got up at six o'&lo&fe.J
                 Sue         68

                                                                             Unit 30

                                                                                     W Work in groups. Do some research and
                 Amy         103                                                  y / write your own quiz. Write two questions
                                                                                          for each topic below, using passive verbs.

                                                                                     Science and nature History Geography
                                           o m                                       Books Sport TV, Music and Films

                                                                                     History: when was the first iuan sent
                                                                                     into space?
                     ho is the -person who lives at number ...? j
                                                                                  Now ask another group your quiz questions.

                [who is the person who drives a ... car? j                        Which group has more correct answers?

                  what colour is the car that.... drives?                           History: when was the first ru-an sent into space?

                (\v                                                                                                             In
                  what nu.rn.ber is the house that.... lives at?

                                                                                                                 Extra information 169
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