Page 168 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 168

18 Read the email from Bill's pen friend. Then write              20 O R10.2 Oscar is on holiday in Scotland. You will
                an email about an activity that you enjoy.                        hear him talking to his friend Frank. Decide if
                                                                                  each sentence is correct (Yes) or incorrect (No).
                 Hi Bill                                                          ÿ The weather in Scotland is worse than in

                 My favourite activity is going to theme parks.                      England, no
                 I love feeling scared!                                           1 Frank has been in Scotland for three days.

                 A few weeks ago I went to Thorpe Park. The best
                 ride was The Swarm .  It was the first time I'd                  2 They've already visited Edinburgh Castle.
                 tried it, and it was amazing.
                                                                                  3 While Oscar went cycling, his mum and sister
                 If I have enough money, I'll go to Alton Towers                     drove to see some friends. -
                 in the summer. They've just built a new ride and                 4 Oscar is going to stay with his friends tomorrow.
                 everyone says I have to go on it!
                                                                                  5 Oscar can't climb the mountain.
                                                                                  6 Oscar is having a picnic today.
                                                                                  7 Frank has visited Scotland and enjoyed it.

                                                                             21 O RIO.3 Listen and match the questions 1-9 with
           19 ©R10.1 Listen. Choose the correct picture A, B                      the replies A-l.
                or C.                                                                                                                     w
                                                                                  A No. I'm not old enough. _
                                                                                  B Yes, it is. _
                                                                                  C For three years. _
                                                                                  D In three weeks.
                                                                                  E Two years ago. _
                                                                                  F Yes. It's a very warm day. _
                                                                                  G No. It's too late. -
                                                                                  H I play basketball at the sports centre.
                                                                                  I I'm waiting at the bus stop. _

                                                                             22 O R10.4 William is invited to the sports prize            O
                                                                                  evening at school. You will hear him talking to
                                                                                  his friend Harry. Are the sentences correct ÿ or
                                                                                  incorrect x?
                                                                                  ÿ William is on his way to the sports prize evening.

                                                                                  1 It is the first time William has been to the sports
                                                                                     prize evening. _
                                                                                  2  William is definitely going to win a prize. _
                                                                                  3  The prizes are given by Mr Simms. _
                                                                                  4 There isn't enough time to give a lot of prizes.

                                                                                  5 If you win an event at sports day, you will get a
                                                                                     prize. _
                                                                                  6 William went to four or five sports clubs last year.

                                                                                  7 William has to wear a suit and tie. _
                                                                                  8 Harry isn't going to the sports prize evening. _

                5 A

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