Page 153 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 153

Units 26-28                                                Exam preparation

            Reading and writing                                                   ÿ The shop is closed all day on  . sundaes
                                                                                  1 The shop is normally open until_
                Choose the correct letter A, B or C to complete the               2 You can get to the shop by-
                sentences.                                                        3 The shop is_the bank and_
                ÿ Leo was B- a hurry. He didn't want to be late for
                   the trip.                                                         It is open                  hours on Saturdays.
                   A at B in C on                                                    You can contact the shop-
                1 The bus left at 7.30_the morning.                                  or email.
                   A at B in C on                                                    You can buy more products on
                2 Leo was sitting_his best friend.                                   The shop closes at 2 p.m-
                   A at B between C next to                                          afternoons.
                3 They stopped_a café for lunch.
                                                                               3 Read the article about the Van Gogh Museum in
                   A at B inside C on
                4 Unfortunately, the bus driver went the wrong                    Amsterdam. Choose the correct letter A, B or C for
                   way_mistake.                                                   each space.
                   A by B for C on
                5 Everyone was very tired when they finally got                      The Van Gogh Museum is very busy_1L
                  _ the bus.                                                         the middle of the day and there are often long
                   A down B from C off                                               queues '_front of the building. It is a
                6 In the end, they had been on the bus_twelve                        good idea, therefore, to arrive2_nine
                   hours.                                                            o clock in the morning or3_four o          ' clock
                   A during B for C in                                               in the afternoon. Or you can visit 4_
                                                                                     Friday evening, when the museum is open
            2 Read the advertisement. Then complete the                              S _nine o'clock. The museum is open
                sentences with the missing words. Write one word                     every day, exceptf_1 January and 25
                in each space.                                                       December.

                   Cowper Sports                                                     There is a café7_the museum, so you
                                                                                     can buy a drink or a snack during your visit.
                                                                                     ® _to the café is the museum shop,
                   We sell clothes and equipment for every sport.
                                                                                     which has postcards and books9_sale.
                   Opening hours
                   Monday to Friday 9a.m. - 5.30p.m.*                             ÿ A at             B in            C on
                   Saturday 9a.m. - 7p.m.                                         1  A at            B in            C on
                   Sunday closed                                                  2 A after          B by            C until
                    We c\ose eariy on Wednesday at 2p.m.                          3 A after          B by             C until
                                                                                  4 A at             B in             C on
                   Where to find us
                                                                                  5 A before         B by             C until
                   27 High Street
                                                                                  6  A at            B in             C on
                                                                                  7 A above          B around         C inside
                                        Cowper caf,                               8 A In front       B Next           C Opposite
                        Standar         Sports                                    9  A by            B for            C in
                            t .

                   Bus numbers 12 and 19 stop outside the shop.

                   Contact us
                   Phone 0207 2767 2187
                   For more products and special offers visit our

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