Page 155 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 155

Active and passive

                           I can recognize the difference between active and passive sentences.

                           I can form and use the present simple passive.

          Active and passive

           She designs clothes. The clothes are made in factories.

           We can use active or passive sentences to express similar meanings.

           In an active sentence, the subject does the action to              In a passive sentence, the object from the active
           the object.                                                        sentence becomes the subject. The subject of the
                                                                              passive sentence is the receiver of the action.

           People use mobile phones all the time.                             Mobile phones are used everywhere.

           British people eat a lot of pasta.                                 A lot of pasta is eaten in Britain.

           In passive sentences, the person who does an action is not important.
           That house is made of stone.

           We don't know who made the house. We want to talk about the house, not the people who built it.
           The World Cup is watched around the world.

           We want to talk about the World Cup.The people who watch it aren't important.

                Active or passive? Write A or P.                             * 2 Look at the active sentence (A).Then complete
                ÿ Paper is often recycled .                          p            the passive sentence (B).
                ÿ I recycle paper when I've used it.                 A            ÿ A:   People write blogs on the internet.
                                                                                     B:  " Slogs are written on the internet.
                1 Cola is drunk everywhere.
                                                                                  1  A: Farmers in Asia grow rice.
                2 Some people drink cola every day.
                                                                                     B:  _is grown in Asia.
                3 Arabic is spoken in many countries.
                                                                                  2 A:   Shops sell suncream in the summer.
                4 My friend speaks Arabic.
                                                                                     B:  _ is sold in the summer.
                5 We use computers at my school.
                                                                                  3  A:  We use hot water to make tea.
                6 Computers are used in many schools.
                                                                                     B:  _ is used to make tea.
                7 Hey! That man has stolen my mobile phone.
                                                                                  4 A:   Nurses look after sick people in hospital.
                8 Mobile phones are often stolen.
                                                                                     B:  _are looked after in hospital.
                9 Maths is studied everywhere.
                                                                                  5  A: Teachers teach science in most schools.
               10 Everyone studies maths.
                                                                                     B:  _is taught in most schools.
                                                                                  6 A:   Chefs cook chips in most restaurants.
                                                                                     B:  _ are cooked in most restaurants.

                                                                                                                             Unit 29 153
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