Page 145 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 145

By, from... until                                                 |13 O 26.3 Complete the biography with the ÿ
                                                                                  prepositions in the box. Listen and check,
           We use by to mean 'not later than'
                                                                                     after by during in for on until

              6 a.m.        7 a.m.         8 a.m.         9 a.m.

           You must arrive by eight o,clock. (= some time before
           8 o'clock)
           Can you phone me by four o'clock?

           We use until to say when a continuing action finishes.
           We can also say till.

          started at 10 a.m.                           finished at 6 p.m.

                                                                                     Pelé was born on the 23'Ü of October
                                                                                     1940 in Brazil. He is often called the greatest
          9 a.m. 10 a.m. 11a.m. 12 p.m. 1p.m. 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 4 p.m. 5 p.m. 6 p.m. 7p.m.  footballer of all time.'_1956, at the age
                                                                                     of only fifteen, he joined the Santos Football
           I studied from ten in the morning until six in the evening.
                                                                                     Club and stayed with the team2_1974.
           We stayed at Tim's house till eight o'clock.
           Can you work until four o'clock?                                          3 _the time Pelé was sixteen, he had also

                                                                                     started playing for the Brazilian national team
                                                                                     and 4_1958 he won the World Cup for the
          m Circle the correct option.                                               first time. In total, he played for Brazilf_

                ÿ You should arrive        until ten o clock.  O                     fourteen years and ®_that time, Brazil
                1 The shops are open from 10 a.m. by / until 7 p.m.                  won the World Cup three times.
                2 Please can you post this letter by / until Monday?                 7 _eighteen years at Santos, Pelé left Brazil
                3 You must get home by / until nine o'clock.                         and ended his career in America. He played his
                4 We lived in London by / until 2010.                                last match ever8_the 1&i of October 1977.
                5 Max has to decide about the job by / until Friday.                 * _his whole career, The King of Football'
                6 They stayed by/until midnight!                                     amazingly scored 697 goals in 753 matches.
                7 It rained by / until midday and then it was sunny.
                8 You'll have to get up by / until seven o'clock to
                   catch the train.                                           14    ÿ Now write a biography of someone
                                                                                  ir /   famous. Include information about dates
           1 2 Complete the sentences using by or until.                                   and times.

                ÿ They will arrive at seven.The house must be tidy.
                   You must tidy the house bij seven                                   Self-GValuation Rate your progress.
                ÿ They arrived at six and stayed for three hours.
                   They stayed until nine

                1 The museum opens at nine and closes at five.
                   It is open from nine_
                2 You must pack your bags. We're leaving at six.
                   You must pack your bags_
                3 Can you wait? I'll be back at three.
                   Can you wait_?
                4 We start maths at two. It lasts an hour.
                   We do maths_
                5 It's Monday today. We need your reply in
                   three days.
                   We need your reply_
                6 Ryan has some French homework. The teacher
                   wants it on Monday.
                   Ryan has to finish his homework-

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