Page 50 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 50

The world in our hands

           Starting off

           0  Work in pairs. Match the photos
              (1-5)  with the environmental
              problems (a-e).

              a  climate change
              b  destruction of forests
              c  endangered species
              d  greenhouse gases
              e  rising sea levels

           6  Match these sentence halves to form four ways of protecting the environment.
              Which do you think is the most urgent?

              1  Driving cars with zero emissions       a  are essential for protecting endangered species.
              2  Nature reserves are a way              b  will reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.
              3  Switching to  renewable energy         c  will cut the quantity of greenhouse gases which are released
              4  Wildlife conservation programmes          into the atmosphere.
                                                        d  of protecting natural habitats.

           listening  Section 1
                                                                   Questions 1-6
           0  Work in pairs. You are going to hear a man           Complete the notes below.
              who is interested in protecting the environment
                                                                   Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR
              talking to a travel agent about eco-holidays.
                                                                   A  NUMBER for each answer.
              Before you listen, discuss these questions.
              1  What do you think eco-holidays are?                C.u5fome-r' '5 V1Cime-:   .J:(}CJr. Je, tr.o.v
              2  Can you think of examples of eco-holidays?
                                                                    Le-.-,_ci~ of l-lol;da;:   1 .............. ··········
           6  Work in pairs. Look at Questions 1-6 and decide       w;ll  PClj  up  fo L 2 ....... . ....... .
              what type of information you need to fill each
                                                                    Told l-l;m  a bou f 3 . . .   .  .. for' ad'ICIV1c.e.  f<Ajme-V1f5
                                                                    Ne-e-ds  crote- fo..- 4   ..  du..-;.-,j  l-lol;dClj
                                                                    Re-c:r;r'e-5 5 .. .................... .. OY1  plaV1e-
                                                                    MU5f  c.l-le-cJ"- ;f l-Ie- .-,e-e-J5  a6..... . . . . . . .  .  .

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