Page 45 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 45

(!) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer      Writing  Task 2
           these questions.
                                                             0  Work in pairs. Read this Writing task and underline
                                                                the things you must deal with in your answer. Then
           Using the Internet
                                                                answer the question below.
           1  How can the Internet help students with their
                                                                Write about the following topic.
           2  What dangers do you think there are
                                                                The media should limit how much bad news they
              connected with the Internet?
                                                                report because it discourages people from doing
           3  What are the advantages of using social
                                                                activities which usually involve very little risk.
              networking sites instead of meeting friends
              face to face?                                     To  what extent do you agree or disagree?
           4  Do you think people should pay for music
                                                                Give reasons for your answer and include any
              and films they download from the Internet, or     relevant examples from your own knowledge or
              should they be free? Why? I  Why not?

           onunciation                                          Which of these things should you write about in your
                                                                a  Whether the media report too much bad news
                                                                b  What you enjoy watching on TV and reading in
          We tend to  say words in groups, almost like one
          word.  We call this chunking. Between groups of
                                                                c  If people are really affected by the news
          words, we pause or hesitate.
                                                                d  Which activities you think people should avoid
                                                                e  If the media should limit the amount of news they
        0  ~ Listen to Elena's answer to the first question        report
           from Speaking Part 3 above and mark the pauses       f  How much you agree or disagree with the topic
           or hesitations I  as she speaks.
                                                             6  Three people wrote answers to the question. Read
                                                                the first paragraph of each of their answers (1-3)
            Well, I think it helps people in  quite a lot of
                                                                and match each with a description (a-c) on page 44.
            ways, for instance to get information, or to book
            air tickets. It helps people to study and to do     1  Rodio,  televi5ion ond  the Internet repetlt 5torie5
            research for their homework and their studies or       obovt i5oloted incident5,  svch tl5  tl  mvrder or o
            even to get advice about how to study.                 robbery,  24- hovrs tl doy. As  tl  resvlt, mony  people
                                                                   worry obovt normol things 51Jch  os ollowing  their
                                                                   children  to ploy  in  the pork  I  ~eel t hiS  iS  o pity ond
        6  ~ Work in pairs. Read Elena's answer to the
                                                                   thtlt the medio  5hovld  redvce  the omovnt  o~ bad  news
           second question and decide where she will pause.
                                                                   they tell.
           Then listen and check your answers.
                                                                2  In  fAe- pasf. pe-ople- use-d  fo  near  fne  news by falkin3  fo
            Well, I'm  not sure. Some people do perhaps, for
                                                                   fravellers  wAo  arrive-d af fneir  fown  or villa3e. Today. we
            example young people who should be studying            near news from all over fAe  world eve-ry day  fnroU(}n  fne
            instead, but a lot of people use the Internet for      maSS  media, and  If IS  offen  combtned wtfh snockin3 or
            their jobs or for other things. Maybe too much         fri3hfe-nin3  ima3es  whicA affed fAe- way  we  fnink and
            time chatting to friends, not enough time doing        behave.
            other things. Too much time sitting down. But
            many people leave the Internet connected all day    3  TI-le.  m':_jor';t)'  of V1e.wS  r'e.por'fs  te.V\d  to  be.
            because they use it instead of a telephone for         Se.V1SQt;oV1QIJ  sl'loc.bV13  QV1d  UV1ple.QSQV1t.  Howe.Ve.r'>
            messages or instead of going to the library, so I      I  be.loe.Ve.  we.  l'IQVe.  Q ~"''3l'lt  to  kV1oW WhQ+  ;s
            think it depends. For some things, it saves time.      hQppe.V\;V\3  ;V\  +he.  Wor'ld  QV\d  I  do  Vlot  be.l;
                                                                   thQ+  +he.  me.d;Q  should  r'e.s+,..-,d  WhQ+  +he.)'  +ell  us.

        @ Now take turns to read Elena's answer aloud.

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