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Vocabulary and grammar review Unit 4

       Vocabulary                                           Grammar
       0  Complete the sentences below with words           8  Complete these sentences with however, although,
         connected with the Internet from the box in the       on the other hand or even though. In most cases,
         correct form.                                         more than one answer is correct.
          browse   chat   download   go   keep   visit         I  Television advertising is expensive.
                                                          I  011  t{.....e.  ot"'-e:-r  "'-tA11d  , it reaches the
         I  I  brqwse.  the Web to look for the information I     widest audience.
            need for my studies.                               2                              TV
         2  I .      with my friends using a social               advertisements are often amusing, I don't like
            networking site.                                      them when they interrupt films on TV.
         3  Although there are millions of websites, most      3  Chen never uses online dictionaries
            people just  . . ..   a few favourites frequently.                                his teacher
         4  Facebook is a great way to       in touch with        recommends them.
            your friends.                                      4  Printed books have been around for centuries.
         5  When I want to buy something, first I                                             , I think they will
            online to compare products and prices.                become obsolete in the next few years.
         6  I        films onto my computer because I find     5  Printed books have been around for centuries.
            it more convenient than going to the cinema.                                      , electronic books
                                                                  are relatively new.
       6 Complete each of these sentences with the correct
         form of cause, factor or reason.                   0  Complete this paragraph by writing a, an, the or
                                                               - if you think no article is needed. In some cases,
         I  There are several  .ftAc;.tors  which influence
                                                               more than one answer is possible.
            people when deciding where to go on holiday.
         2  The Internet has been the main        of the
            decline of conventional newspapers.               When you join  1  C\   group on  2   social
         3  One         why young people watch less           networking site, you may be revealing  more than you
            television is that they have less time.           want to.  3   experimental website has managed
         4  Online advertising is successful for a number     to identify 4   names of people who visit it by
            of        . One is  that people can react to it   gathering  5    information about 6   groups
            instantly.                                        they belong to.  7 ....... website exploits 8  .   fact
         5  You can only really deal with a problem if you    that your web browser keeps a list of 9   . web
            understand its                                    addresses you  have visited.  10   owners of
         6  Advertising is influential, but price will always   websites can obtain this information by hiding
            be the main         influencing your decision      11     list of 12   web addresses in the code
            to buy.                                           for their web page. When  someone accesses
                                                              13 ..... page, their browser will tell  14  . ..  website
                                                              owner which of 15 ..... . hidden addresses they have
                                                              already visited.

                                                                         Vocabulary and grammar review  Unit 4  @
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