Page 44 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 44

Speaking  Parts 2 and 3                              0  Work in pairs. Look at these questions for
                                                                   Speaking Part 3.
          0  Work in pairs. Look at this task for Speaking
             Part 2. Which words and phrases in the box            1  What opinion or ideas would you"express to
             below would you use when you do the task?                answer each question?
                                                                   2  What reasons and examples can you give?
             Describe a website on the Internet that you use
             regularly.                                            Internet use
              You should say:                                      •  How does the Internet help people in their
                what sort of website it is                            everyday lives?
                what you use it for                                •  Do you think that some people spend too
                what you like and dislike about it                    much time on the Internet?  Why?
             and explain why you use it regularly.
                                                                   •  In your opinion, will newspapers and books
                                                                      disappear as a result of the Internet? Why? 1
              site   social network1ng   to browse   to buy online    Why not?
              to chat   to download   to keep 1n touch
              to keep up to date   to research   to v1s1t   to watch
                                                                C) Read the response below given by Elena, an
          f) You are going to do the task in Exercise 1. Before    IELTS candidate.
             you talk, think about what you're going to say        1  Which question from Speaking Part 3 in
             and make some notes.                                     Exercise 5 is she answering?
                                                                   2  Underline the reasons and examples she gives.
           €) Work in pairs and take turns to give your talks.
                                                                   3  Which four words and phrases does she use to
             You should each speak for up to two minutes.
                                                                      show she's not certain about her answer?
              Exam information      Speaking Part 3

               •  In Part 3, the examiner asks you questions on a
                 range of topics connected with the topic of Part
                 2, and you discuss your opinions with him/her.
               •  The questions are more general and less
                                                                  Well, I'm not sure. Some people do perhaps, for example
                 personal than in Part 1.
                                                                  young people who should be studying instead, but a
               •  This part takes four to five minutes.
                                                                  lot of people use the Internet for their jobs or for other
          0  Look at this Part 3 question and the three           things. Maybe too much time chatting to friends, not
             answers below. Which answer do you think is          enough time doing other things. Too much time sitting
             best? Why?                                           down. But many people leave the Internet connected
                                                                  all day because they use it instead of a telephone for
                        How does the Internet help                messages or instead of going to the library, so I think it
                        people in their everyday lives?           depends. For some things, it saves time.

                I use the Internet for downloading films. I enjoy   0  Pronunciation: Chunking
                watching films in my free time. and it's cheaper than
                                                                f) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the
                going to the cinema.
                                                                   questions in Exercise 5.
             Well. I think it helps people in quite a lot of ways. for   Exam advice   Speaking Part 3
             instance to get information, or to book air tickets, it
                                                                    •  Listen carefully to the questions and make sure
             helps people to study and to do research for their
                                                                       you give direct and relevant answers.
             homework and their studies or even to get advice about
                                                                    •  Give quite long answers to the questions, giving
             how to study.
                                                                       an  example or a reason.
                                                                    •  If you're  not certain how to answer, say so and
                              Yes, I think it helps people a lot.
                                                                       suggest possible ideas you have.
         @  Unit4
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