Page 41 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 41

8  Read Questions 1-6 below, underline the key
          words in the statements, then use these to find      Questions 7-10
          the right place in the passage.                      Complete the notes below.

                                                               Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from  the
       0 Now read those sections of the passage carefully
                                                               passage for each answer.
          to decide if the statements are true, false or not

          Questions 1-6                                         We.b  use.d  b)'  SGoe.V1+.s+s  CV1c.IUdol'1j
                                                                Dr"  llube.Y"mal'1)  +o  '"'ve.s+,ja+e.  +t,e.  1  ..  .   of
          Do the following statements agree with the
                                                                Soc.,al  V1e.+WoY"kS.
          information given in the reading passage?
                                                                Mos+  8   .........  .  '"'+e.V1de.d  for"  l,m,+e.d  V1Umbe.Y"
          Write                                                 of people.  - Vlo+  e..Ve..Y"jo"'e..  oV1  l,s+.
          TRUE         if the statement agrees with the         Dr"  llube.Y"mal'1  i.-.QS  also  '"'ve.s+~C\+e.d:
                       information                                9  .. ...  ...  ..  +o"  koW  lo"'j people.  w,ll
                                                                  spe."'d  ol'1  a  pa,.,+.c.ular",+e.;
          FALSE        if the statement contradicts the
                                                                  wry a  Small  V1Umbe.Y"  of s.+e.s  3e.+  muc.L-.  moY"e..
                                                                  10  .   ......  .  +L-.a"'  o+ke.Y"S  oV1  Same.  su~e.c. +.
          NOT GIVEN  if there is no information on this

          1  Tim Berners-Lee was famous for his research
             in physics before he invented the World            Exam advice     Note completion
             Wide Web.                                             Read the title of the notes and find the section
          2  The original intention of the Web was to              of the passage which deals with the subject.
             help manage one extremely complex project.            Read the notes and decide what type of
          3  Tim Berners-Lee has also been active in               information you  need for each gap.
             politics.                                             Be careful to copy the answer from the passage
          4  The Web has allowed professional and                  exactly.
             amateur scientists to work together.
                                                            (i) Look at Questions 11-13 below.
          5  The second galaxy project aims to examine
                                                               1  Underline the key idea in each question and find
             more galaxies than the first.
                                                                  the part of the passage which deals with it.
          6  Herbaria@home's work will help to reduce
                                                               2  Read the passage and underline the words you
             the effects of climate change.
                                                                  need to answer the questions, then copy the
                                                                  answers carefully.
                                                               3  Check that your answer gives the correct
          Exam advice      True 1 False I Not Given
                                                                  information, e.g. for Question 11  your answer
           •  Find words in the passage that are the same as
                                                                  should be a name (Whose writing ...  ?) .
              or similar to words in the statement.
           •  Quickly find the part of the passage that deals   Questions 11-13
              with each statement; you will be able to find
                                                               Answer the questions below.
              this, even when an answer is Not Given.
                                                               Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the
       0 Work in pairs. Look at Questions 7-10 in the next     passage for each answer.
                                                               11  Whose writing improves as a result of
          1  Read the title of the notes and find the section of   feedback received from readers?
             the passage which deals with this.                12  What type of writing is not reviewed
          2  Read Questions 7-10 and decide what type of          extensively on the Web?
             information you need for each gap.
                                                               13  Which publication invited authors to publish
          3  Read th~ relevant section of the passage
                                                                  their articles on the World Wide Web?
             carefully and answer Questions 7-10.

                                                                                                   New  media @
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