Page 38 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 38

0  Complete the gaps in this summary with the        0 @ Find and correct the mistakes made by IELTS
             correct percentages.                                 students in these sentences.

                                                                  I  The oldest underground railway v<:"as  built in
             The table provides some bac.kground information on the
                                                                     London en 1863.  i-1-1.
             staff working in a global hotel c.hain. The information   2  In general, all the figures gradually increased
             goes bac.k to 1975 and c.overs languages spoken and     over 1911  to 2001.
             quallfic.atlons, as well as previous work experienc.e.   3  There is no evidence that a rise of petrol prices
                                                                     leads to less traffic.
             Between 1975 and 2000, there was a signilkant rise in
                                                                  4  The number of people peaked to 5,523 in 2001.
             the perc.entage of employees who held a quallfic.atlon in
                                                                  5  Spending on teachers' salaries fell on 5%.
             a foreign language, from 1 .............. to 2 .................. After
                                                                  6  The temperature decreased until a low of three
             this, there was a slight fall of a .................. over the next ten
                                                                     degrees in December.
                                                                  7  During the period of 1986 and 1999 there was a
             'I  .. .. . . . . . . .  of staff were able to speak at least two   gradual increase.
             languages in 1975. At first, this figure rose by 13 perc.entto   8  The profits experienced an increase by $2m.
             5  ...  .   . .  in 1990. 1-\-owever, from 1990 to 2010. it roc.keted
                                                               (ID Work in pairs. Look at the Writing task below
             to6 .......... .
                                                                  and decide:
             finally, the perc.entage of staff with experienc.e in the
                                                                  •  what the graph shows
             hotel industry fluc.tuated between 1975 and 2010. In 1955,
                                                                  •  how you will organise your report - what each
             there was a peak at7 ................. ,and this was followed by   paragraph will contain
             a sudden fall to 6 ................ five  years later. figures then   •  what your overview will include.
             went up and down over the next 15 years.             Work alone and write your summary. You should
                                                                  write at least ISO words.
          0  Underline the expressions that describe trends in
             the summary in Exercise 5.                           The graph below shows information about the
                                                                  recruitment of teachers in Ontario between 2001
          0  Write an overview of the information in the
                                                                  and 2007.
             summary in one or two sentences.
                                                                  Summarise the information by selecting
          0  page 102 Prepositions
                                                                  and reporting the main features,  and make
          ~ Using the rules in the Language reference,            comparisons where relevant.
            complete these sentences with the correct                 Percentage of first-year teachers with regular
             prepositions.                                                 teaching jobs by year of graduation

             I  Car sales rose by five percent ....... !:1-1 ....... August.   80%
             2  The chart shows the number of people finding          70%
               jobs    .........  2003  and 2007.                     60%
             3  The number of new employees fell ................. .
               12 percent last year.
             4  Yesterday, there was a fall  . .............. ten degrees
               in city temperatures.                                  30%  -  ---- ----
             5  There will be an increase   ...... taxi fares         20%  L._.,----------...,-------
                                                                          2001   2002   2003   2004   2005   2006   2007
               next month.                                                            year of graduation
            6  Customer complaints have gone down                        [+--~~----=-=-~-... J
               below 100.
             7  The percentage of people needing medical
                                                                   Exam advice  Describing trends
               treatment peaked ..... . ...  . ...  35 in 2009.
                                                                   When you  have to describe trends:
                                                                      look at the similarities and differences.
                                                                   •  use approriate language to describe them.

         @ Unit3
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