Page 36 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 36

Vocabulary                                            Key grammar
           Teach,  learn or study? Find out or know?             Present perfect and past simple
           0  IELTS candidates often confuse teach/learn/study  0  Match the underlined verbs in these sentences
              and find out/know. Circle the correct words in        from Abi's talk (1-3) with the tenses (a-c).
              these extracts from the Reading passage.
                                                                    1  I've always enjoyed         a  past simple
              1  This advertisement proves what comedians have         travelling.                 b  present perfect
                @ wry/  found out for years.                        2  It was a summer break.         simple
              2  Over the past half-century, scientists have        3  She's been living there     c  present perfect
                 known I  found out much about babytalk.               for 20 years now.              continuous
              3  Children don't study 1 learn to walk until their
                 bodies are ready.                               6  Which sentence from Exercise 1 describes:
              4  Knowing 1 Learning how to chat like an adult is
                                                                    a  something in the past that is now ended?
                 a gradual process.
                                                                    b  a situation that started in the past and is still
              5  Yet we still do not understand this critical
                                                                       going on?
                 period or know I  find out why it ends.
                                                                    c  a feeling from the past that is still present?
           6  Read these extracts from CLD to check your
                                                                 ~ Underline the verb forms in these sentences from
                                                                    Abi's talk and say what tense they are.
               learn, teach or study?                               4  Before we went, we hired a car, which we
                                                                       picked up when we reached the airport.
               To learn is to get new knowledge or skills
                                                                    5  I didn't know the word for tyre.
                 I want to learn how to drive.
                                                                    6  1\venty minutes later, a recovery van arrived.
                 When you teach someone, you give them new knowledge or skills.
                                                                    7  So,  what have I learned from this experience?
                 My dad taught me how to drive.  My dati learnt me hew te dfi•uv.
               When you study, you go to classes. read books, etc. to try to   0 Match the sentences (1-7)  in Exercises 1 and 3
               understand new 1deas and facts.
                                                                    with the uses of the past simple, present perfect
                 He is studying biology at university               and present perfect continuous tenses (a-d).
                                                                    a  a past action or state that is clearly now over
               know or find out?
                                                                       (often with a time expression)  2..  • • •
               To know something means to already have information about                             1
               something.                                           b  a situation or state that started in the past and
                                                                       continues into the present (often with a time
                 Kelly knows what time the train leaves.
               To find out something means to learn new 1nformat1on for the first
               time.                                                c  a series of events that took place in the past
                                                                    d  an action or activity that started in the past and
                 Can you find out what time the train leaves?
                                                                       is still continuing
                                                                 0  page 1 03 Tenses
           ~ Work in pairs. Complete these questions with
              teach, learn, study, know or find out.             0 @ IELTS candidates often make mistakes using
                                                                    tenses. Circle the correct verb form in these
              1  How many English words do you .... K1tPW .... ?
              2  Do you prefer to      ...  a language by talking
                 to people or reading books?                        1  In the last few decades, there was ;(fj{IS--oeeTg a
              3  If you worked in a school, which subject would        rapid development in computer technology.
                 you prefer to    ..... ?                           2  The most popular country that UK residents
              4  How would you ....   . ... where the best             have visited I  visited in 1999 was France.
                 language schools are in your home town?            3  I was I  have been responsible for taking care of
              5  Did you .. ............... hard for your school exams?   myself since I was eight years old.
                                                                    4  Obesity became I  has become a global problem.
           0  Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in        5  Sometimes people who have been on a diet eat
              Exercise 3.                                              even more afterwards than they have eaten 1 ate
                                                                    6  One day,  the company has been I was shut down.
          @  Unit3
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