Page 37 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 37

Writing  Task 1                                         c  In 2000, the number of students who took
                                                                French was 150, compared to  just under 10
     0  Work in pairs. Look at the graph below.                 students who chose Mandarin. D
        1  What does the graph show?                         d  French gained some popularity in 2006, but has
        2  What is the main difference between the two          remained fairly stable since then at about 90
           lines on the graph?                                  students. D
        3  Are there any significant similarities or         e  The graph shows how many 13-year-old students
           differences between the two language trends?         studied French and Mandarin between 2000
                                                                and the present day in a school in England. [I]
        4  What are the main features of each trend?
        5  How could you divide the information into         f  On the other hand, the trend for French
           paragraphs?                                          is the opposite. D
                                                             g  So there was a significant difference in numbers
                                                                at this time. D
        The graph below shows information about the          h  According to the data, Mandarin has increased
        languages that 13-year-old students in one school       in popularity during this time. D
        chose to study.                                         In contrast, the number of students taking
                                                                Mandarin dipped in 2006 and then fluctuated,
        Summarise the information by selecting
        and reporting the main features,  and make              before it returned to 75. D
        comparisons where relevant.                             Since 2005, the trends have not changed
                                                                as much. D
              Language options selected by 13-year-old
                  students in a school in England          @) Work in pairs. Look at the text in Exercise 2
                                                             again and find verb phrases which mean the
                                                              1  went down (two phrases)
                                                             2  hit a high point
                                                              3  has stayed the same
                                                             4  went up a lot
                                                              5  went up and down
                                                           0  Work in pairs. Look at this table and discuss
                                                             what it shows. Which column:
                                                              I  increases significantly?
                                                             2  fluctuates?
                                                              3  peaks then falls slightly?
                                                                          Global statistics: Shore Hotel

                                                                                Staff:  1975-2010
                                                                      with language   speaking two or   previous work
                                                                       qualification  '  more languages   experience
                                                                           %              %              %
                                                               1975        5              10             75
                                                               1980        10             12             70
     6  Put these sentences in the correct order.              1985        12             14             78
        a  Overall, it can be seen that more students have     1990        17             23             55
           been choosing to study Mandarin, but French is      1995        21             48             65
           still the most popular language option. D           2000        22             so             so
        b  Over the Mext  five years, the figure fell
                                                               2005        21             65             45
           considerably for French, but rose dramatically
                                                               2010        20             79             67
           for Mandarin and reached a peak at
           75  students. D
                                                                                     Getting the message across  @
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