Page 99 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 99

Two opposing views                                                     To  what extent do you agree?
      Read the Writing task below and answer these questions.                 Read the Writing task below and
      1  Express the two opposing views in your own words.                    answer these questions.
                                                                              1  What does the statement in the task
       Some people find history a fascinating subject.  Others say it
       is dull and has no place in modern life.
                                                                                a  Learning about the environment
       Discuss both these views and give vour own opinion.
                                                                                   is more important than learning
       Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant                       to read and write.
       examples from your own knowledge or experience.
                                                                                b  Learning to read and write is
                                                                                   more important than learning
      2  Read the sample answer below. How many different                          about the environment.
         views are presented? Whose are they?
                                                                                c  Teaching children to protect the
      3  In which paragraph(s) is each part of the task dealt with?                environment and teaching them
         How are the views used to support each argument?
                                                                                   to read and write are equally
      4  Read the sample answer again and say what the                             important.
         underlined words refer to.
                                                                             2  How many questions are there to
       Sample answer
                                                                              It is as important to teach children
       People do not all feel the same about history. For some                to protect the environment as it is to
       people, it is very interesting and they like seeing old                teach them to read and write.
       things and talking about how different life once was.                   To  what extent do you agree with this
       For others\ it is just a  boring subject. Personally, I              r
       think the past is very interesting and there is a lot we
                                                            State your view
                     2                                                        Give reasons for your answer and
       can learn from ]1 •
                                                            clearly and stick   include any relevant examples from
       Historians often talk  about how people lived long ago    to it.
                                                                              your own  knowledge or experience.
       because it shows us that society has moved forward.
       For example, wherea  s one person may have taken a
                                                                                   To  what extent means 'how
       week to make a pair of trousers in the 18th century, we
                                                                               much?'. You can agree completely
       can now make hundr  eds of pairs over the same period
                                                                               or disagree completely, or you  can
       of time. They  believe this is important evidence of
                                                                               present both sides of the argument.
       human progress.                                  Note how the wnter
       Many tourists really enjoy going to museums when   uses reference words
       they visit other countries. There, they see objects from   to avoid repetition.
       centuries ago. For example, my country is well known
       for its beautiful arts and crafts, and we see these  as
       cultural treasures. Other people like reading about
       inventors or travellers. All these types of people would
       say that history is a wonderful subject.         You need to cover
                                                       both arguments but
       On the other hand, not everyone agrees with their
                                                        you do not have to
       views. Youngsters in particular feel that the past is too   write exactly the same
       far away to think about. They are more interested in
                                                       number of words on
       the future and in  how things will change. For them  ,   each one.
       going to a museum can be very boring because they
       feel no connection with the exhibits, while reading
       about history seems meaningless.
       In my view, this is a pity. Everyone should have an
       interest in the past because it has made us what we
       are now. However, sometimes we just have to accept
       that people like and dislike different things, and one  6
       example is history.

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