Page 101 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 101

How are you rated?                                   Task 1
      The two tasks are rated separately, but Task 2 is worth   •  Make sure you fully understand the data
      twice as many marks as Task 1. The marks are combined to   Study the task first and make sure you understand it.
      produce one Band Score from  1 to 9 for the whole test.
                                                              -  If it is a graph or chart. look carefully at the axes,
      There are levels of performance that you need to reach in   labels and any keys.
      order to achieve a certain band.
                                                              -  If it is a table, look at all the headings.
      The examiner considers the following questions:         -  If it is a diagram, look at all the steps or stages and
                                                                 get a mental image of the process or structure.
      Task 1
                                                           •  Include the key points
      •  Have you  understood the task and the data/diagram?   Decide on at least three key points and  make sure you
      •  Have you included all the key points?                highlight these in your answer.
      •  Have you included some relevant data?             •  Include data and make sure they are accurate
                                                              Make sure that the figures or details that you include to
      •  Is there an overview?
                                                              illustrate your key points are accurate.
      Task2                                                •  Include an overview of the information
                                                              The overview is like a conclusion and  it gives your reader
      •  Have you  understood the task?
                                                              a simple picture of what the graphic shows overall.  It is
      •  Have you covered all the parts/questions in  the task?   not the same as the introduction, which states what the
      •  Is your opinion clear?                               information is about. The overview usually goes at the
                                                              end of the answer, but it doesn't have to. As long as it is
      •  Have you  presented relevant ideas?
                                                              there, you will get credit for it. If it is not there, you will
                                                              lose marks.
      Both tasks
      •  How well have you organised the answer? Is there a   Task2
         range of linkers? Can you use referencing?
                                                           •  Make sure you understand the question
      •  How adequate is your vocabulary, and how accurate
                                                              Take time to read the question very carefully. Underline
         is it?
                                                              the parts you have to write about and ask yourself:
      •  How many different grammatical structures can you use,
                                                              -  What is the main topic?
         and  how accurate are they?
                                                              -  How many parts are there?
                                                              -  Do I need to present arguments for and against?
      Preparing for the Writing Test                          -  What is my opinion?
                                                           •  Introduce your essay
      For Task 1, practise summarising the information in a range
                                                              The introduction sets the scene for your reader. It tells
      of different charts and diagrams. For Task 2, practise writing
                                                              them what you are going to discuss, what the issues are,
      arguments on  a range of different topics.
                                                              and often what your opinion is.
      Before you write, brainstorm some ideas and then organise
                                                           •  Make your opinion on the topic clear to the reader
      them  into paragraphs. The sample answers in the units and
                                                              Decide on your view and state this, either in the
      in this Writing reference have been written to show you how
                                                              introduction or during the course of your essay. Keep
      to structure an answer and how to link ideas.
                                                              your position clear and don't change it.
      Try to use some of the grammatical structures that you  have
                                                           •  Include some main ideas
      learned on this course. Don't be over-ambitious, but include
                                                              Decide on at least three main ideas and  some supporting
      some complex sentences, e.g. conditionals, relative clauses,
                                                              points. Build your paragraphs around your main ideas.
      time clauses. etc.
                                                              Ideas can come from other people's opinions, your own
                                                              opinions, facts, etc.
      On the test day
                                                           •  Include some personal experience
      Remember these important points because they affect your
                                                              Make sure this is relevant to the question. You only need
                                                              to write a sentence on this, and if you  have no personal
                                                              experience. you do not need to worry. Just say Although I
                                                              have no personal experience of this, I think .. .'.
                                                           •  Draw a conclusion
                                                              At the end of your essay, you need to write one or two
                                                              sentences that summarise your arguments and your
                                                              point of view.
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