Page 103 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 103

Adding suffixes
        noun -+ adjective
        suffix             noun            adjective        Doubling consonants
        -y                 wealth          wealthy          •  Double the final consonant:
                                                               -  when you add -ed, - ing, -er or -est to a one-syllable
        -ful               harm            harmful
                                                                  word which ends in  a consonant-vowel-consonant:
        -ous               nutrition       nutritious
                                                                  shop - shopper, big - bigger
        -less              care            careless
                                                               -  in verbs of two or more syllables which end in
        -al                nature          natural                consonant-vowel-consonant and the final syllable
                                                                  is stressed:
        noun-+ verb                                               oc'cur - occurrence, for'get- forgetting, ad' mit-
        suffix             noun            verb                   admitted (but 'happened, de'veloping)
                                                               -  in words which end in I after one vowel in British
        -ify               class           classify
                                                                  English (in American English they may not double):
        - isej- ize        critic          criticise/criticize    travel- traveller, cancel - cancellation
                                                            •  Final -w. -x and -yare never doubled:
        adjective -+ verb
                                                               slower, relaxed,  buyer
        suffix             adjective       verb
                                                            •  Don't double the final consonant when:
        - ify              simple          simplify
                                                               -  there are two final consonants:
                                                                  depend - depending
        verb -+ adjective
                                                               -  there are two vowels before the final consonant:
        suffix             verb            adjective
                                                                  disappear - disappearance
        -ed                educate         educated
                                                               -  the verb ends in a vowel:
        - ing              care            caring                 share - shared
        - ablej-ible       notice          noticeable          -  the stress is not on the final syllable:
                           respond         responsible            open - opening
  II    adjective -+ adverb                                 y-+ iand i-+ y
  II    Adverbs are almost always  formed by adding -ly. If   •  For words ending in -y after a consonant, they becomes
                                                               i when a suffix is added  (except -ing - see below):
        the adjective ends in -ic, you change it to an adverb by
  II    adding -ally                                           happy - happiness, try- tries,  family - familiar,
                                                               rely - reliance
        suffix             adjective       adverb
  II                                                        •  Note this exception:
        - lyj- ally        simple          simply
                                                               day- daily
                           organic         organically
                                                            •  -ing: i becomes y with - ing; y does not change:
                                                               lie - lying, study- studying,  try - trying
  I!   Spelling rules for adding prefixes and suffixes
                                                            When to drop the final -e
      Adding prefixes
  II                                                        •  The final -e is dropped if there is a consonant before it
      When a prefix is added, the spelling does not change, e.g.
                                                               and the suffix begins with a vowel ( - er,  -ed, - ing, -ance,
  I'   appoint- disappoint, satisfied- dissatisfied, like - unlike,
                                                               -ation, etc.):
       necessary - unnecessary.
  [1                                                           amaze - amazing,  fame - famous
                                                            •  The final -e is not dropped when the suffix begins with
      The prefix in- is not used  in  front of certain letters:   a consonant:
       •   Before words beginning with r-, use ir-:            safe - safety, arrange - arrangement
         irrelevant                                            (exception: argue- argument)
       •   Before words beginning with m- or p-, use im-:   Adding -ly to form adverbs
         immature, impatient
                                                            Adjectives ending in - I end in -lly when the adverb is
       •   Before words beginning with 1- use i/-:          formed:
         illogical, illiterate                              beautiful - beautifully, magical - magically

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