Page 108 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 108

The following are relative pronouns:
                                                                   •  this/these/that can be used as adjectives:
             •  Who refers to people:
                                                                     Children from rural areas find it more difficult to go to
                The customers who come to this shop are generally
                                                                     university. Governments have tried various measures to
               young and well-off.
                                                                     deal with this problem.
             •  Which refers to things:
                                                                   •  one refers to a singular countable noun from a group:
                I prefer going to shops which give you individual
                                                                     There are several reasons why people are happier than
                                                                     in the past.  One (or One reason) is that they have more
             •  Whose refers to either people or things and adds     free time.
                information by mentioning something belonging to a
                                                                   •  he/him/his refers to the boy or man who was
                person or thing:
                                                                     mentioned last:
                Children whose parents both work are often lonelier.   Sergei sent his passport to the consulate because he
                /live in a city whose districts are separated by canals.
                                                                     wanted to apply for a visa.
             •  What means 'the thing which' and is often used after a
                                                                  •  she/her refers to the girl or woman who was mentioned
                She couldn't find what she wanted in the shop.
                                                                  •  that can be used to the thing which was last mentioned
             •  Where can:
                                                                     and is often used when giving a reason:
                -  refer to something which happens/happened in a    The number of tourists fell,  and that is why hotels' income
                  place:                                             also fell.
                  In my holidays, I go back to the village where I was
                                                                  •  another refers to the second or third singular countable
                                                                     noun in a group:
                -  add information about a place:                    There are several reasons why people are happier than in
                  I come from Suzhou, where there is a big computer   the past. One is that they have more free time. Another is
                  industry.                                          that they have more money.
             •  When can be used to add information about a time:   •  ones refers to a plural noun:
                We came to Abu Dhabi in 2005, when I was  74.        Children from rural areas find it more difficult to go to
             •  Why is used in the phrase the reason why:            university than children from urban ones.
                Greenhouse gases are causing global warming, and this is   •  other is an adjective used before uncountable nouns or
                one of the reasons why we have to find forms of energy   plural countable nouns:
                which do not pollute the atmosphere.                 Some furniture is exported to Europe. Other furniture is
                                                                     produced for the home market.
             Unit 7                                               Zero, first and second conditionals

             Reference devices                                    Conditional sentences express a condition (If ... ) and the
             Reference devices are used to avoid repeating the same   consequence of the condition. To draw attention to the
                                                                  condition, put it at the beginning of the sentence:
             vocabulary too often:
                                                                  If I want to discuss something important with my friends,  I
             Twenty-five per cent of the people in the survey said they
             (the pe(Jf:Jie) would repeat the experience.         usually phone them and arrange to meet.
                                                                  To draw attention to the consequence, put the condition
             These are some common reference devices and their uses:
             •  it/its refers to the thing which was mentioned last:   I'll call you tonight if I have time.
                My country gives grants for its students to study abroad.   Note: in writing, if the condition comes first, a comma is
               It can also refer back to an idea or an argument:   used. If the consequence comes first, no comma is used.
                There has been a 20% fall in the number of tourists.  It has
                led to a fall in income for hotels.
                                                                  Zero conditional
             •  they/them/their refer to people or things:        If/Unless+ present tense, present tense:
                There are now 20% more cars than ten years ago, but   If I don't have a lot of homework to do,  I go out with my
                they only consume 70% more fuel.                  friends.
             •  this can also be used to refer to the thing which was   It is used to express something which is always or generally
                mentioned last:                                   true.
                Larger cities need more water.  This has meant that there
                is less water available for agriculture.

           @ Complete IELTS Bands 5-6.5
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