Page 113 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 113

Unit 4

          'accuracy n [U] (41)  how correct or exact something is   law n [C] (38)  something that is always true
          'amateur n [C]  (38)  someone who does something as a   po'tential adj (38)  A potential problem, employer, partner,
          hobby and not as their job                           etc. may become one in the future, although  they are not
                                                               one now.
          'amateur adj (RS) doing something as a hobby and not
          as your job                                          pro'posal n [C]  (38)  a suggestion for a plan

          am'bitious 'project n [C]  (38)  a planned piece of work   publi'cation n  [C] (40)  a book, newspaper or magazine
          which will need a lot of effort and will be difficult to
                                                               'publish v [T] (40)  to prepare and print a book,
                                                               newspaper, magazine, article, etc. so that people can
          a'nonymous adj (38)  If someone is anonymous, their   buy it
          name is not given.
                                                               'publish v [T]  (40)  to  write something that is then printed
          a'ttract a'ttention vp  (41)  to cause people to notice   in a book, newspaper, magazine, etc.
          something and be interested in it
                                                               re'strict v [T]  (43)  to limit something
          'carry out re'search vp  (38)  to study something in order
                                                               re'view n [C] an examination of what has been written
          to discover information about it
                                                               about a particular subject
          collabo'ration n [C/ U]  (38)  when two or more people
                                                               re'veal v [T]  (47) to give someone information that was
          work together to create or achieve something
                                                               not known before
          disa'ppointing results plural n  (38)  results are not as
                                                               'social 'networking n  [U]  (47)  using websites to
          good as you had hoped or expected
                                                               communicate with friends and to  meet other people
          dis'courage sb from doing sth vp  (43)  to try to persuade
                                                               trans'form v [T]  (38)  to change something completely,
          someone not to do something
                                                               usually to  improve it
          do re'search vp  (43)  to study something in order to
                                                               turn out vp  (38)  to happen in a particular way,  or to have
          discover information about it
                                                               a particular result
          e'volve v [I/T]  (38)  to develop or make something
          develop, usually gradually

          ex'periment (with) v [I]  (38)  to try something new in
          order to see what happens and how succesful it is

          'feedback n [U]  (40)  comments about something that
          you have done or made, given to help you improve it if
          in res'ponse to phrase (38)  as a  reaction to something
          that has happened or been done
          keep in touch (with) vp  (42) to continue to communicate
          with someone, for example by telephoning them or
          writing to them
          keep up (with) vp (42) to be able to understand and deal
          with something that is happening or changing fast
          lack in'centive vp  (38)  to have nothing to encourage you
          to do something
          'latest 'faslt,ions plural n  (37)  things that have recently
          become fashionable
          launch v [T]  (38)  to begin an activity

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