Page 114 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 114

Unit 5

           ad'vance 'payment n [C]  (49)  a sum of money that is   re'lease into the 'atmosphere vp  (48)  to allow
           paid some time before you get the thing you want to  buy   substance to  get into the air around the 'tarth

           'calculate v [T]  (SO)  to discover an amount or number   re'newable  'energy np [U]  (48)  energy from sources that
           using mathematics                                     continue to exist, for example wind or the sun

            'challenge n [C/U]  (51)  something that is difficult and   'rising sea 'levels plural np (48)  the increased height of
           that tests someone's ability or determination         the level of seas and oceans

            'climate change n [U]  (48)  the way the Earth's weather   'sceptical adj  (SO)  doubting that something is true or
           is changing                                           useful
           de'pendence (on) n (U]  (48)  when you need someone or   'scenery n [U]  (53)  attractive, natural things that you
           something in order to exist or continue as before     see in the countryside
           de'struction n [U]  (48)  when something is destroyed   switch (to) v [I]  (48)  to change from using one thing to
                                                                 using another
            'drawback n [C]  (51)  a problem or disadvantage
                                                                 'unspoilt 'countryside n [U]  (66)  areas of land that have
           en'dangered  'species n  [C]  (48)  a type of animal or
                                                                 not been changed or damaged by people
           plant that soon may not exist because there are very few
           now alive                                             yield v [T]  (SO)  to produce or provide something
            'estimate the cost vp (51)  to use any information that   'wildlife conservation 'programme np [C] (66)  a plan
           you have to guess how much something will cost        whose aim is to protect wild animals and plants

            'focus on vp  [T]  (SO)  to give a lot of attention to one   'zero e'missions plural np (48)  If something such as a
           particular subject or thing                           machine or an industry has zero emissions, it does not
                                                                 release any harmful substances into the atmosphere.
            'fossil  'fuels plural n (48)  fuels such as coal or oil that
           are obtained from under the ground

           fresh air n [U]  (54)  air outside buildings that is clean
           and cool

            'harness  'energy vp  (55)  to control energy so that you
           can use it

            'infrastructure n  [C]  (51)  the basic systems, such
           as transport and communication, that a country or
           organisation uses in order to work effectively
           a 'major source of elec'tricity np (SO)  something that
           produces a lot of electricity
            'natural  'habitat np [C]  (48)  the place where animals
           live or plants grow naturally

            'nature re'serve np [C]  (48)  a place where animals and
            plants live and are protected

           the next step np (51) the next in a series of actions
            'power 'station I  'power plant np  [C]  (SO)  a large
            building or group of buildings where electricity is
            produced by machines

           pro'duce 'profitably vp  (51)  to produce something in
           such a way that it makes profit

          @ Complete IELTS Bands 5-6.5
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