Page 115 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 115

Unit 6

        a'fford v [T]  (60)  to have enough money to buy     take time vp (58)  to  need a long time
                                                             tempt v [T]  (58)  to make someone want to have
        a'ttract pub'licity up  (64) to get attention in newspapers,   something
        on the TV,  on the Internet, etc.
                                                             think in terms of up  (60)  to consider something from a
        'bargain n [C]  (60)  something that is sold for less than   particular point of view
        its usual price or its real value

        become  'common vp (64)  to start to happen more often
        boost sales vp  (58)  to increase the number of things that
        are sold

        'branded  'product n [C]  (57)  a product that is made by
        a well-known company and has that company's name or
        symbol on it
        e'fficient adj (58)  working well and not wasting time or
        end up up  (58)  to finish by doing something because of a
        particular situation
        'forecast u [T]  (60)  to say what you expect to  happen in
        the future
        go from shop to shop up  (64)  to go to several different
        'highly 'profitable phrase (59)  making a large profit

        'living  'standards plural np (61)  how pleasant and
        comfortable someone's life is and how much money they

        in the 'medium term phrase (60)  during a period of time
        that starts now and continues for a length of time that is
        not particularly short or long
        out'weigh v [T]  (64)  to be greater or more important than
        something else
        'own-label  'product np  [C]  (57)  a product that a
        particular shop makes itself and which has the name of
        that shop on it

        pro'motion n [C/U]  (57)  activities to advertise something
        'purchase v [C/U]  (57)  to buy something

        at a rate of phrase (58)  used to  show the number of
        times that something happens or how often something
        happens in a particular period of time

        'reckon u [T]  (58)  to  think that something is probably

        'retailer n [C]  (58)  a person, shop or business that sells
        goods to the public

                                                                                                      Word list @
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