Page 112 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 112

Unit 3
           a'chieve v [T]  (31)  to succeed in doing something good,   o'besity n (34)  the state of being extremely fat
           usually by working hard                                                                  '
                                                                on a  'diet phrase (34)  If someone is on a diet, they eat
           base sth on sth vp  (32)  to use something as the main   less food in order to  become thinner.
           part of something you are developing
                                                                 'options  plural n  (29)  the things that you can choose
           com'pletion (of) n [U]  (31)  when something that you are   between in a particular situation
           doing or making is finished
                                                                po'tential adj (31)  possible, but not yet proved
           'critical adj (31)  very important for  the way things will
                                                                raise a  'question vp  [T]  (31)  to cause people to think
           happen in the future
                                                                about something
           ex'press v [T]  (30)  to tell someone about an opinion, a
                                                                reach v [T]  (31)  to get to  a particular level
           feeling or an idea by speaking or writing
                                                                re'cruitment n [U]  (36)  the process of trying to find
           'figure  n [C]  (35)  a number
                                                                someone to work for an organisation
          find something 'easy vp  (31)  to  have no difficulty doing
                                                                the re'verse n (30)  the opposite of what has just been
           'fluency n  [U]  (31)  the ability to speak a language well
                                                                sus'pect v [T]  (31)  to think that something is probably
           'gestures plural n  (29)  movements that you make with   true
           your hand, arm or head to express what you are thinking
                                                                tongue n  [C]  (31)  a language
          or feeling or what you want someone to  do
                                                                (by)  'trial and  'error phrase (31)  a way of learning the
          get 'going vp  (30)  to start to happen
                                                                best way to  do something by trying different methods
           'handle v [T]  (30)  to deal with something
          hy'pothesis n [C]  (30)  a suggested explanation for
          something which has not yet been proved to be true
          i'deal adj (31)  perfect or the best possible

           'imitate v [1/T]  (30)  to copy the way someone or
          something looks, sounds or behaves

          in'clusion (of) n [U]  (29)  when you have something as a
          part of something else

           'language acqui'sition n  [U]  (30)  the process of learning
          to speak a language

           'level (of) n [C]  (31)  the amount or standard of

           'literate adj (30)  able to read and write
          (im)ma'ture adj (30)  (not)  completely grown or
           'matter v [I]  (31)  to  be important or to affect what
          more or less phrase (31)  almost

          'native  'speaker n [C]  (31)  someone who speaks a
          language as their first language

          no 'longer phrase  (31)  in the past but not now

         @  Complete IELTS Bands 5-6.5
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