Page 106 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 106

However and on the other hand                        A and an
            •  Use however and  on the other hand to contrast ideas or   •  Use a or an with a singular countable noun the first time
               information in separate sentences. However and  on the   you mention it:             ,.
               other hand start the second sentence:                A teacher who influenced me when I was at school was ...
              Air travel is the fastest form of travel. However, you can   •  Don't use a or an with uncountable nouns or plural
               waste a lot of time at airports.
            •  On the other hand is often used to start a new paragraph   freedom, arguments
               which expresses the opposite point of view:
                                                                  •  Use an before words beginning with:
               On the other hand,  there are strong arguments against
                                                                    -  a,  e, i,  o and u:
               reporting details of crimes on television.
                                                                       an impression
            •  However and on the other hand are both followed by
                                                                    -  h when his not pronounced :
                                                                       an hour
               However, I believe stronger measures are necessary.
                                                                  •  Use a,  not an, before words beginning with e- and u-
            Use of articles                                         when they are pronounced y:
                                                                    a university, a European bank
            Use the:
                                                                  Unit 5
            •  when people know what you are talking about because
               you've mentioned the thing before or it's clear from the   The passive
                                                                 The passive is formed  by to be + past participle (done/
               He had an excellent idea.  The idea was to post the list on
                                                                 changed/ spoken).
               the web.
                                                                 With verbs like can, should, must, etc., the passive is formed
            •  when only one of a thing exists:
                                                                 by can/should/must+ be+ past participle:
               the world,  the Internet
                                                                  The equipment must be placed in the right environment.
            •  with a singular noun which refers to a group of people or
                                                                 Look at these sentences in the active  and the passive:
               the police, the government                          active                   passive
            •  with superlatives (see Making comparisons on page   The wind moves the       The turbine is moved by
               100):                                               turbine.                 the wind.
               the highest figure,  the best solution              They raised the price of   The price of cigarettes was
  ~-        •  with the first,  the second, etc.:                  cigarettes last year.    raised last year.
               the first difficulty                                The government has       The tax on petrol has been
                                                                   reduced the tax on petrol.   reduced.
            •  with adjectives which refer to groups:
                                                                   People can argue that    It can be argued that
               the rich
                                                                   travel is an essential part   travel is an essential part
            •  with nationalities:                                 of education.            of education.
               the Chinese                                       ~--------------------~
            Don't use the:                                       The passive is used:
            •  when you are talking in  general with an  uncountable   •  when we don't know who or what does/did something:
               noun or with plural nouns:                           The price of cigarettes was raised last year.
               Life was more difficult for our grandparents.
                                                                 •  when it's not necessary to say who/what did something
               People are often afraid of taking risks
                                                                    (because it's obvious):
            •  in these common expressions: at home, in/to hospital,   The tax on petrol has been reduced.
               in/to prison, at/to school,  at/to university,  at/to work:   (obviously by the government)
               I'm hoping to go to university in Australia.
                                                                 •  when what happens/happened is more important than
               He's at work at the moment.
                                                                    who/what does it:
                                                                    The  turbine is moved by the wind.
                                                                 •  in formal styles of writing:
                                                                    It can be argued that travel is an essential part of

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