Page 7 - Family and Friends 4 Class Book full
P. 7

Lesron Two

         f C[l!l@!  Ask ond onswer obout Mox, Amg, Hol.l.g              qnd   Leo.

              skoteboord       reod     plog with togs toke photos

                         con  con't
         2 write.


           OLi     ' .C-q.n  I plog some gomes on the              Dod    But gou  ]          Listen to gour new

                   computer, pLeose?                                     MP3 ploger. Or gou      u         wotch

            Dod Sorrg. No, gou'r             .I'm working                this DVD.
                   on the computer.

                                                   Oti  IU Like to wotch the DVD.       5         I wotch it in


                                                   Dod No, gou      *        . I'm working  here. You    :

                                                          wotch it on the DVD ploger in the Living room.
                                                   Oti  OK, Dod.


                  posto breod onions meot
                      cheese eggs melon
               cucumber cereoL Lemon mi[k

                    pototo gropes bononos

            Now write obout whqt         Uour friend   would tike.

            Leita woutd like ...

                                                                              Whot does lVlox like doing?  Storter
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