Page 8 - Family and Friends 4 Class Book full
P. 8

Lesson Three

       I  t[!!@t Ask ond onswer.                  reod o comic wotch TV  visit grondmo

                                               plog the guitor plog vollegbol"L  plog chess

               What is he goinq to do this weekend?


       2 Write obout whot gou ore going to do this weekend.

          Thls weekend l'rn going ta ...

       3 Complete the words.              mP      nt    td     Lt   nd

            There is o Lomp next to          Next to the green    fie **-s  is    There is o big plo*  growing
            mg te*_!                         o beoch with white so                in the po,_.*.

            I've got o new be_**.            Look ot this beoutifuL qui__.        "Tickets  for  six chi_**ren ond

                                                                                  two odU.   _.-...s,  pleose."

                        Whot is he going to do?
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