Page 18 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1
P. 18


                                                          b Now underline all the other adjectives in the
           Vocabulary                                        letter.

           Adjectives                                     2   Which  of  the  following  adjectives  describe
                                                             city life? Put a tick ( ).
           1a  Put one of the adjectives in the box in each
                blank.                                       stressful             populous

             local   delicious   ancient   historic          exciting              polluted
             helpful   warm    fascinating   comfortable     delicious             cosmopolitan
                                                             historic              unemployed
                                                             busy                  annoying
                                                             forbidden             pleased
                                                             exhausted             cheerful
                                                             modern                easy-going

                                                             frightening           downtown
                                                             rural                 fashionable

                                                          3 Put  a  suitable  adjective  from  2  in  each
                        Dear Oggy,                        1.  She lives in one of the most ______ parts of the
                                                             city: there are lots of luxury shops there.
                         We’re  having  a  fabulous  time
                         here in Hoi An. You know, it’s   2.   How  ______!  The  roads  are  crowded  and  I’m
                         a(n) (1) ______ town 30 km from     stuck in a traffi  c jam.
                         Da Nang. The weather is very     3.   You  can’t  stop  here.  Parking  is  ______  in  this
                  (2) ______ and sunny. Our hotel is small   street.
                  but  (3)  ______.  The  staff   are  friendly  4.   This city is very  ______, there are people here
                  and (4) ______.                            from all over the world.
                                                          5.   The gallery downtown has regular exhibitions
                  We’ve seen most of the sights of the town.   of ______ art.
                  The street life here is (5) ______. We’ve   6.  Nhieu  Loc  canal  in  Ho  Chi  Minh  City  is  much
                  spent a lot of time wandering around       less ______ than before.
                  and looking at the (6) ______ temples,
                  bridges, and houses. We’ve also bought
                  a lot of (7) ______ souvenirs, crafts, and
                  clothing. Well, the street food in Hoi An
                   is (8) ______ and aff ordable. I wish you
                   could be here with us!
                      Anyway, I hope things are good
                      with you.

                               Lots of love,

           18   Unit 2/ City Life
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