Page 19 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1
P. 19

Pronunciation                                         A CLOSER LOOK 2

           Stress on pronouns in sentences
             Most  pronouns  have  strong  and  weak  forms.
             Normally we use the weak form, but if the word   Comparison of adjectives and adverbs: review
             is stressed because it is especially important, or
             because we want to show a contrast, we use the   1 Match the beginnings to the correct endings.
             strong form.
             Example:                                              A                    B
             A:   That looks pretty easy. I think you can do it.
                ("you" is weak)                            1.  It's not as   a.  faster than ever.
             B:   Well, you do it then!  ("you" is strong)  2.  That skyscraper is one  b.  to spell better.
                                                           3.  The exam was   c.  than being stuck in a traffi  c jam.

           4 Listen  and  repeat,  paying  attention  to  the   4.  Life in the past was   d.  of the tallest buildings in the world.
              diff erence in the underlined pronouns. Circle   5.  Mexico City is a lot   e.  more diffi  cult than I expected.
              the pronouns that sound strong.
                                                           6.  Kids are growing up  f.  simple as it looks!
           1.   A:  Can you come and give me a hand?
                 B:   OK. Wait for me!                     7.  Nothing is worse  g.  bigger than Rome.
           2.   A:  Did you come to the party last night?   8.   These  fun  cards  will   h.  less comfortable than it is now.
                 B:   Yes. But I didn’t see you.             encourage kids
           3.   A:  Look - it's him!
                 B:   Where? I can't see him.
           4.   A:  They told us to go this way.
                 B:  Well, they didn't tell us!          REMEMBER!
                                                         -   You  can  use  much,  a  lot,  a  bit, and  a  little  with  the
                                                            comparative forms of adjectives to show how big the
           5a  Listen and mark the underlined words as      diff erences are.
                 W (weak) or S (strong).
           Example:                                           A DVD is much better than a video for watching fi lms.
              A:  Are you going to talk to him (W)?      -  With the superlative forms of the adjective you can
              B:    No, I think he (S) should talk to me (S) fi rst.  use second, third, etc.
           1.  A:   Is he (__) there?                           Karachi in Pakistan is the second largest city in the
                B:    No.  Everybody  else  is,  but  he’s  (__)  gone   world in population.
                                                         -   You can use by far to emphasise superlatives.
           2.   A:   Do you know that woman?               Example:
                 B:   Her (__)? Er… No. I don’t recognise her (__).      China  is  by  far  the  most  populated  country  in
                                                            the world.
           3.   A:   I’m afraid we (__) can’t stay any longer.
                 B:    What  do  you  mean  ‘we’  (__)?  I’ve  (__)  got
                 plenty of time.

           4.   A:   Look! Everybody’s leaving.
                 B:   What about us (__)? Shall we (__) go, too?

           b  Work in pairs. Practise the exchanges above.

           19   Unit 2/ City Life
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