Page 59 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1
P. 59

7 Choose  A-F  to  complete  the  following     Phong:  Great, thanks. And what’s the best way to
              conversation. Practise the conversation with        get around?
              your partner.
                                                           Mi:    (4) ______________________________________.
           A.  In  Delhi  it’s  probably  best  to  use  rickshaws.   Phong:  OK.
              They’re quicker than taxis, and quite cheap.
           B.   Er  no,  don’t  bother  going  to  the  museums.   Mi:   (5) ______________________________________.
              There  are  much  better  things  to  see  in  Delhi.   Phong:  Hmm, that’s good to know. So what are
              You  should  defi nitely  see  the  Red  Fort,  in  Old      the things I shouldn’t miss - any good
              Delhi - it’s vast.                                  museums?
           C.   And  to  travel  to  other  cities  I’d  recommend   Mi:   (6) ______________________________________.
              the  trains.  They’re  a  lot  safer  than  the  buses,   Phong:  Right. Is there anything else worth visiting?
              especially at night.
           D.  Sure. What do you want to know?             Finished! Now I can...
           E.   Yes, I have, actually. It’s an amazing place.
           F.   There are lots of good hotels in Connaught Place   ●   use the lexical items to describe
              - that’s right in the centre of New Delhi. The place   wonders of Viet Nam
              I always stay in is called The Raj Hotel. I can give   ●   identify in which situations to stress
                                                            short words (a, of, or, etc.) in sentences
              you the address if you like.                  and say these sentences correctly
           Phong:   Mi, you’ve been to Delhi, haven’t you?  ●   use the impersonal passive and the verb
                                                            suggest + V-ing/clause with should
           Mi:    (1) ______________________________________.  ●   read for specifi c information about a
           Phong:   Oh,  good.  I’m  going  there  next  week.   man-made wonder of Viet Nam
                  Maybe you can give me some tips.         ●  talk about man-made wonders of
           Mi:     (2) ______________________________________.  Viet Nam and how to protect and
           Phong:  Well, fi rstly, do you know any good places    preserve them
                  to stay in?                              ●  listen for specifi c information about a
                                                            natural wonder of Viet Nam
           Mi:    (3) ______________________________________.  ●  write an article describing a wonder of
                                                            Viet Nam

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                                                         The Wonders  Of  Viet Nam!onders  Of  Viet Nam!onders  Of  Viet Nam!onders  Of  Viet Nam!onders  Of  Viet Nam!onders  Of  Viet Nam!onders  Of  Viet Nam!onders  Of  Viet Nam!onders  Of  Viet Nam!onders  Of  Viet Nam!onders  Of  Viet Nam!onders  Of  Viet Nam!onders  Of  Viet Nam!onders  Of  Viet Nam!onders  Of  Viet Nam!onders  Of  Viet Nam!onders  Of  Viet Nam!onders  Of  Viet
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           PROJECT                                       The W
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           1  Read this promotional brochure about a
              man-made wonder of Viet Nam.
                  elcome  to  the  Complex  of  Hue   example  of  the  construction  of  a
             WMonuments,  one  of  the  most   complete  defended  capital  city
             remarkable sites in and around Hue City!   in  the  early  years  of  the  19
             You  will  certainly  be  impressed  with   century. You can visit Binh Dai
                                            Fortress,  a  defensive  structure
             the  structures  of  the  Complex  of   in  the  northeast,  which  was
             Hue  Monuments  which  are  carefully   designed  to  control  movement
             placed within the natural setting of the   on the river. If you have enough
             site.  It’s  well  worth  visiting  its  central   time,  you  should  also  visit   2 Find a photo or draw
             structure,  the  Hue  Citadel,  which  was   Tran  Hai  Thanh  fortress,  which
             an  administrative  centre  of  southern   was  constructed  to  protect  the   a picture of a wonder
             Viet  Nam  during  the  17   and  18    capital  against  attacks  from   of Viet Nam you have
             centuries. You should definitely see all   the sea.           visited. Create a similar
             the royal palaces inside the Hue Citadel,                    promotional brochure
             such  as  the  Imperial  Residence,  the   Don’t miss out on a visit to the   about it.
             Hoang Thanh (Imperial City), etc.   Complex  of  Hue  Monuments.   3   Organise an exhibition of
             The  Complex  of  Hue  Monuments  is  a   Its long history and astounding   posters you have made
                                            structures  will  make  your  trip
             must for all lovers of history. The Complex   unforgettable.   among your group or class
             of  Hue  Monuments  is  a  remarkable                          members. Vote for the best.
                Unit 5/ Wonders of Viet Nam
           59   Unit 5/ Wonders of Viet Nam
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