Page 64 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1
P. 64

Adjective + to-infi nitive/Adjective + that-clause   4  Fill in each blank with one adjective from the
                                                             box. More than one adjective can be used.
           Read this part of the conversation from GETTING
           STARTED. Pay attention to the underlined part.     glad     sure      sorry   certain   confi dent
                                                             astonished  pleased   relieved   surprised
           Phuc:     Wow,  that  long  ago? The  school  looks...
                  and  the  walls  were  made  of  mud  and   1.  I was ______ to meet my best friend yesterday.
                  straw and, look – trenches!             2.  He is ______ to have so little time for his family.
                                                          3.  They  were   ______  to  fi nish  their  last
           Duong:  I think that was during the war so it was   performance.
                  necessary to have the trenches right there.   4.  She’s ______ to get the job. The interview went
                                                             really well.
           1.  It + be + adjective + to-infi nitive is used to   5.  The mother was ______ to hear that her smart son
              emphasise information by bringing it to the    failed the exam.
              front of the clause. We can add for/of + noun/   6.  All the students were ______ to have passed the
              pronoun.                                       exams.
              It is necessary (for you) to know about your   5  Create one sentence by combining each pair
              country’s history.                             of sentences using subject + be + adjective +
           2.  Subject  +  be  +  adjective  +  to-infi nitive
              is  used  to  express  emotions,  confi dence,      Example:
              or  worries...  Adjectives  can  be  happy,  glad,      The traffi  c problems of the city had been solved.
              pleased, relieved, sorry, certain, sure, con dent,   The Prime Minister was pleased.
              convinced, afraid, annoyed, astonished, aware,   →  The  Prime  Minister  was  pleased  that  the  tra  c
              conscious.                                     problems of the city had been solved.
              Example:                                    1.  We did well in the exam. We were relieved about that.
              I was happy to hear from you.
                                                             We ____________________________________________.
           3.  Subject  +  be  +  adjective  +  that-clause  is   2.   I am sorry about the school facilities our parents
              used  to  express  emotions  (glad,  pleased,   had. They were very poor.
              relieved, sorry), confi dence, or worries (certain,      I _______________________________________________.
              sure,  con dent,  convinced,  afraid,  annoyed,   3.   Everyone was glad. The government had decided
              astonished, aware, conscious).                 to invest more in education.
              Example:                                       Everyone ______________________________________.
              I was glad that you gained the scholarship.
                                                          4.   It will be much safer to have elevated walkways
                                                             and underpass systems for pedestrians.
           3  Match the fi rst half of the sentence in A with   Everyone is aware of this.
              the second half in B.                          Everyone ______________________________________.
                                                          5.   Life in the countryside has improved
                   A                    B                    considerably. All of us are delighted about that.
            1.  It was smart of her  A.    to  stay  in  the  old  house  alone  the      All of us _______________________________________.
                               whole night.               6 Finish  the  following  sentences  using  your
            2.  It was brave of him  B.  to lend me her book.  own ideas.  Then compare your ideas with a
            3.  It was kind of her  C.   to get along with people from other
                               cultures.                  1.  It was kind of them ____________________________.
            4.  It was unprofessional D.   to know about how our people used   2.  They were certain to ___________________________.
               of her          to live in the past.       3.  She is confi dent that ___________________________.
                                                          4.  He was afraid that _____________________________.
            5.  It is useful for us  E.  to be late for the meeting.
                                                          5.  The teachers are aware that ___________________.
            6.  It is hard for us  F.   to be able to solve the maths problem.
                                                          6.  The head teacher was astonished to ___________.

           64   Unit 6/ Viet Nam: Then and Now
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