Page 63 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1
P. 63

5  Write  each  sentence  in  the  box  next  to  its   A CLOSER LOOK 2
              pattern. Then listen, check, and repeat.
              I know!     That long?      Go away!        Grammar
             Don’t cry!   Don’t turn left!   Keep going!
                                                          Past perfect: review
              1.   OO     __________________________________
                                                          1  Fill in each blank with the past perfect form of
              2.   OoO    __________________________________  the verb in brackets.
              3.   OOo    __________________________________
                                                          1.  Before  the  1990s,  trams  (be)  ______  a  popular
              4.   OOO    __________________________________  means of transport in Ha Noi.
                                                          2.  I won the game because I (play) ______ it a lot with
           6  What would you say in each situation? Make     my brother.
              a  sentence  for  each  picture.  Write  a  stress   3.  How  long  ______  you  (use)  ______  your  mobile
              pattern  under  the  picture.  Then  practise   phone before it broke down?
              reading all the sentences aloud.
                                                          4.  Before the invention of television, people ______
              Example:                                       only (see) ______ fi lms at the cinema.

                                                          5.  Before the 1990s, Viet Nam (have) ______ an old
                                                             banking system.
                                                          6.  Viet Nam (experience) ______ decades of fi ghting
                                                             for  freedom  before  the  country  became  totally

                                                          2  Ask and answer the following questions using
                                                             the cues.
                            ____ OO ____
                                                             How long had King Duc Duc ruled our country
                                                             before he was overthrown?

                                                             He had ruled the country for only three days.

            1                       2
                                                          1. -    What/family groups/Vietnamese people/live in
                  ________               ________
                                                              before 1990?
                                                            -   They/live/extended family.
                                                          2. -    How/people in Viet Nam/travel/before the fi rst

                                                            -   They/travel/bicycle.
            3                       4                     3. -    How/Vietnamese people/live/before the open-
                  ________               ________             door policy in 1986?
                                                            -   They/had/harder life.
                                                          4. -   Where/your family/spend/holidays/before 2005?
                                                            -   We/holidays/Viet Nam/only/before then.
                                                          5. -     Who/rule/Viet  Nam  right  before  the  Tran
            5                       6                       -   Ly Chieu Hoang/rule/before the Tran dynasty.
                  ________               ________

           63   Unit 6/ Viet Nam: Then and Now
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